IoT Remote AppControl solution and Synology NAS boxes



  • mickwish
    mickwish Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Is there a plan to update the TV in Synology devices to version 14? Seems I have upr-graded all of my computrs and can't connect to the DS218j. Should the Synology package (beta) work, or should I manually install the TV package?


  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠


    Are you still facing this problem?

  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠


    It should work with the current package. What is the error you are getting?

  • Aktarus
    Aktarus Posts: 2 ✭✭

    YES, it's still the same this morning .. :(

    I got only the ID .. no password .. and If i try to connect tho this ID from another computer, I got an error ...

  • mickwish
    mickwish Posts: 3 ✭✭
    I can add to my computers ok but then it fails to connect. It pops up a box to say upgrade it.
  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠


    Could you post the screenshot?

    And also, have you assigned the device to your account? For more information about the assignment process, read the first page of this forum

  • ThreadRipper86
    ThreadRipper86 Posts: 4 ✭✭

    I second that issue - TV@Windows is simply unable to accept the password provided by TV@Synology, see:

    image (5).png

    @_Andreas_/ @arpitjindal please, once and for all, fix this mess!

  • bazingaa
    bazingaa Posts: 1

    I didnt properly understandyour probem

  • ThreadRipper86
    ThreadRipper86 Posts: 4 ✭✭
    How come?

    The darn password, when entered into the "Assign to account" box, is declared wrong, hence no assignment possible, hence no connection possible.

    I'm just fed up with how bad this is developed. Calling it beta, not issuing any update on weeks or even months and simply letting users on their own.

    Oh and those g-o-d-d-a-m-n captchas, always requiring about 5 or more rounds - as if 2FA wouldn't be enough to secure - and proof! - that I'm a) a human and b) valid user.
  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @Aktarus 

    At the moment I don't have any clue why password is not showing up. I don't see any reason in which this would happen. The only thing I could ask you to check from your side, at the moment, is that in your settings "protection against cross-site" is activated which you could find in "Control Panel"->Security ->"Improve protection against cross-site request forgery attacks" .

    I would be needing more time for this. Meanwhile, you could directly take the serial number of your synology device("control Panel" -> "info center") for the password and assign the device to your account.

  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @mickwish 

    If you are still facing the problem then could you please post the screenshot of the error?

  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @ThreadRipper86 

    Could you please send me the logfile. To download the logfile, click on the "Download Support Information". Also, are you using the actual Synology device or the virtual DSM? If it is virtual DSM, then it is not supported by us.

    Please download the logfiles twice, one before the making the assignment and one after the error happens due to the assignment failure.

  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠

    Hello All TeamViewer Users,

    Final TeamViewer package has been released for Synology, available directly from Synology package center. This package includes:

    1. Improvement in Remote Terminal
    2. Increase in performance.
    3. Minor bug fixes

    Please download/update your Synology's TeamViewer package.

    Enjoy :)

  • mickwish
    mickwish Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Thank you! Now TV works as expected with my DS218j.  :)




  • ThreadRipper86
    ThreadRipper86 Posts: 4 ✭✭

    > If it is virtual DSM, then it is not supported by us.

    I guess that makes downloading log files unnecessary. While it's technically nearly equal, you opted for not supporting Virtual DSM. Great, really.. not!
    May I at least ask what's the ETA for such support?

  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠


    At the moment, We don't plan to support virtual DSM.

  • Sniper8952
    Sniper8952 Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Is the Synology 1512+ supported? Which version i have to download it?

  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @Sniper8952 

    The new version is now being added in Synology package center. You could directly install it from there.

  • Sniper8952
    Sniper8952 Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Hi arpitjindal

    If i install it, i can't connect with my PC Teamviewer to the Synology Teamviewer Server. My Computer can't find the Server.


  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @Sniper8952 

    Could you tell me what error are you getting? And also how are you connecting to it? Did you assign the device to your account first?

  • Sniper8952
    Sniper8952 Posts: 3 ✭✭

    A connection could not be established

    Eine Verbindung konnte nicht hergestellt werden.

    I connect in the same network.

  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @Sniper8952 

    Are you facing this problem always? So, not even once you are able to connect to your device? If that is the case, then please download the logfiles by clicking "Download Support Information" and directly send it to me.

  • Patoune
    Patoune Posts: 1

    Same problem, no ID and no password on 1019+.
    Restart, reinstall app, same problem

    Capture d’écran 2019-07-24 à 16.26.34.png

  • xv34d
    xv34d Posts: 1

    same here

  • ThreadRipper86
    ThreadRipper86 Posts: 4 ✭✭


    couldn't reply sooner, sorry about that.

    Yes, it's a virtual DSM, hence any logfile is probably obsolete.

    Nonetheless, that VM, together with a couple more VMs, runs on a 716+II DSM to comply with SOC (separation of concerns, i. e. 1 VM per concern, e. g. DBs, website files, webserver, etc.) which helps minimize both, security vulnerabilities and admin tasks like updates.

    I therefore request immediate support for virtual DSM as it's almost identical to any "real" DSM.

  • kc6108
    kc6108 Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Is Health Monitoring supported on Synology devices? If so, how does one go about activating Operating System Health Monitoring on a Synology DS1812+ for example?

    FYI, we are running version 2.3.7 of TeamViewer on the NAS.

  • AndrewRH
    AndrewRH Posts: 1

    Is there a verssion that supports Synology NAS DS413 (Freescale chipset)?

    Thanks in advance,


  • Tender
    Tender Posts: 2 ✭✭

    I asked 1 year ago by when will come support for macOS and Android. I has been said it is on the roadmap. 

    Any news on that ?

  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @ThreadRipper86 

    Thanks for the use case. We will look into it and try to find the solution as-soon-as-possible.

  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @kc6108 

    Operating System Health Monitoring is not supported on Synology Device.