IoT Remote AppControl solution and Synology NAS boxes



  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @AndrewRH 

    No, unfortunately not. Currently, There are only for intel and arm chipset.

  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @Tender 

    It is still in our pipeline. Due to other priorities, MAC support is being delayed.

  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @Patoune 

    Apologies for such late reply. Are you still facing this problem?

  • kc6108
    kc6108 Posts: 2 ✭✭

    @AndrewRH wrote:

    Is there a verssion that supports Synology NAS DS413 (Freescale chipset)?

    Thanks in advance,



    Here is an easy link to see what TeamViewer spk's are available for download from Synology:

  • Chris-Relax
    Chris-Relax Posts: 2 ✭✭

    This really needs to be able to work on MacOS. Most DECENT support people would never work on a Windows **bleep** box when we can use Unix. Please update the Synology plug-in to work with a decent OS. Thanks. 

  • Chris-Relax
    Chris-Relax Posts: 2 ✭✭

    boo. Synology is a unix based platform, why would anyone WANT to use windows. Do Better. 

  • komple
    komple Posts: 1

    Thanks for porting this great app to Synology.

    It works fien with me when I connect form my laptop, but when i try to connecet from my phone, tablet or web version of teamviewer it want connect at all. Would this be possible?




  • olson_canadian
    olson_canadian Posts: 2 ✭✭

    When trying to assign my NAS to my account I get this login pop up.... Any ideas why I get a SecureNetwork error? Also, just of note, when I go to Nearby contacts and devices on any of my computers, nothing ever shows up, so I had to manually add the NAS by ID and password. Long story short, I can't connect to the NAS and I am running version 2.3.7 which from what I can see is the latest.


  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @komple 

    At the moment, the connection is only possible from Windows TeamViewer.

  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @olson_canadian 

    Could you re-install the app and try again.

    If it is still the same problem then could you please download the logfile from Synology by clicking "Download Support Information" in TeamViewer Synology GUI and send it to me. And also send me the logfile from your TeamViewer Windows.

  • vpa_axis
    vpa_axis Posts: 9 ✭✭

    After upgrade to official version from Synology, no server is found, no device see TeamViewer server to log in.

  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @vpa_axis 

    Could you please elaborate your problem. TeamViewer is not coming online or you are not able to connect to it?

  • vpa_axis
    vpa_axis Posts: 9 ✭✭

    Hi @arpitjindal , TeamViewer is not coming online.

    I have image, but Photos option in this forum is not working and is not possible to add file.

  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @vpa_axis 

    Photo and file upload seems to be working for me. Could you please try again. If still not working for you then send me directly.

  • zeratul75
    zeratul75 Posts: 3 ✭✭


    just installed in ds916+ running dsm 6.1 but I cannot have id and password when lauched.

    cpu is intel n3710 64bit.....installed latest version from package center, but tried also the old one, same results.....

    any idea? i attach the log from package center.....many errors i cannot understand.......

    Schermata 2019-08-18 alle 18.55.27.png2019-08-19 10_26_28-Window.png



  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @zeratul75 

    Are you able to download logfiles by clicking "Download Support Information" in Synology TeamViewer GUI? If yes, then could you please send me directly.

  • zeratul75
    zeratul75 Posts: 3 ✭✭

    not able.

    I got "error in download support file. reason: bad request"

  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠

    Hello All Users,

    All those who are facing  the problem of ID and password not being displayed, please check if in your security settings "Improve protection against cross-site request forgery attacks" is enabled. This setting has to be enabled. If not, then please enable it and after enabling this setting, you have to logout and login again.

    Let me know if after this change you are still facing this problem.

  • zeratul75
    zeratul75 Posts: 3 ✭✭

    thanks a lot

    now I get id and password!!!

  • onduty
    onduty Posts: 2 ✭✭

    On my DS916+

    the teamviewer is installed and run successed.

    I add it to my count, but i can't connect it.

    When i connect, it shows "A connection could not be established."

  • onduty
    onduty Posts: 2 ✭✭

    I add port 5938 to my router. 

    It's work!

    Thanks a lot!

  • Elofix
    Elofix Posts: 1

    I also still have the same problem with my 1019+
    It also comes up with the message Teamviewer service is offline.

    I`m using DSM 6.2.2-24922

    We are waiting so long for a fix already.....this problems are posted mounths ago..:(


  • mircea_c
    mircea_c Posts: 146 Staff member 🤠

    Hello @Elofix 

    Have you already tried the solution from arpitjindal’s post above?

    “All those who are facing the problem of ID and password not being displayed, please check if in your security settings "Improve protection against cross-site request forgery attacks" is enabled. This setting has to be enabled. If not, then please enable it and after enabling this setting, you have to logout and login again’’

    If you tried and still, it is not working for you, please download logfiles by clicking "Download Support Information" in Synology TeamViewer GUI and then please send me directly.


    Tech Support IoT

  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @Elofix 

    Are you still facing the problem?

  • mettlo
    mettlo Posts: 2 ✭✭


    Any news to use Teamviewer on the DS715, it appears in beta but when installing and starting the service it stops suddenly and does not generate an ID or Password.


  • wm0504
    wm0504 Posts: 1

    My nas is DS218Play . The teamviewer looks working good , but the "REMOTE TERMINAL" is OFF, and  I can't turn it to "ON". why?

  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @mettlo 

    Sorry DS715 is Alpine platform based device. It is a known issue. Nothing at the moment is being done. I think beta was the last release for Alpine based systems. New releases are not there for Alpine platforms.

    If in future we get the device (or if any user volunteers) we will try to look it again.

  • arpitjindal
    arpitjindal Posts: 68 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @wm0504 

    In order to switch on the "Remote Terminal", the user has to be admin or have admin rights.

  • mettlo
    mettlo Posts: 2 ✭✭


    Oh pity, that's bad news. =(

  • cRieder
    cRieder Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Just installed v2.3.7 to a RS812 and it doesn't bring ID and Password.
    Uninstall, Reinstall and Reboot doesn't help. Any advice ?