Teamviewer host on Mac and Chrome OS

Hello, I have been able to deploy teamviewer into windows computers but in our school we count with many Mac and Chrome OS devices. I wanted to know how to install it keeping the settings and assigment that we use for Windows.

Thank you very Much,



  • Sven_F
    Sven_F Posts: 27 [Former Staff]

    Hi @LincolnAEL,

    if you want to rollout TeamViewer on macOS, this article will help you: Mass deployment on macOS. Assignment will also work, but importing settings isn't supported on macOS yet.

    For Chrome OS, there is currently no mass deployment possibility.



  • Hi Sven_F, There is no need to deploy it massively. I just want to know how to install it in Mac and Chrome OS, which installer I have to use and if I have to set them all up, by one one.


  • Sven_F
    Sven_F Posts: 27 [Former Staff]

    Hi @LincolnAEL,

    you can just download the according packges for each OS:

    1. the installer for macOS can be found here:
    2. the installer for ChromeOS can be found here:

    Afterwards install them on every computer (one by one) by double-clicking on the package and follow the instructions.



  • Ok, great, I could try Chrome OS extension, but it seems to be user based, so each user has to install it. Regarding Mac, I could install it and set it up, but it is telling me that the client has a newer version and I have Teamviewer 13 license. Do you know where can I get Teamviewer 13 download for mac?


  • Sven_F
    Sven_F Posts: 27 [Former Staff]

    Hi @LincolnAEL

    you can find older versions of TeamViewer here:



  • I am not sure if I am on the right place or not.  My computer was broken into and I am not trying to make sure that both my and my 96 year old mother's computer are 1.  protected on Teamviewer  and 2. That her computer is set so that I can get into her computer when it is asleep.  Someone at Teamviewer kindly helped with this process but I must have misunderstood something.

    1. I now understand that the password changes each time so theoretically no one can get into her computer without knowing the password.  However, I keep getting messages on my computer that say:

    " has signed in" when there is definitely no one on the her computer.  I, on the other hand, am no longer able to connect with her computer.

    I think that I may have gotten some of the instructions wrong.  My notes say:

    1. Change Mom's pw's under security for unattended access on both computers-mine in Boston and hers in FL.

    Something about: preferences, security, preferences easy access, preferences-general-but I don't any longer understand what that means and when we tried couldn't find everything.  Would really appreciate help.

    Thank you.

    Wendy A.

  • The installer for chrome ops IS NOT a host installer.

  • Vatsilidis
    Vatsilidis Posts: 655 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @hogriderj 

    What do you want to do that this app doesn't provide it?

    Best regards 

  • @Vatsilidis I would like to have teamviewer host run on my Mom's Chromebook so when she needs help, I can remotely connect to her chromebook from my pc.

    @Vatsilidis wrote:

    Hi @hogriderj 

    What do you want to do that this app doesn't provide it?

    Best regards 

    @Vatsilidis wrote:

    Hi @hogriderj 

    What do you want to do that this app doesn't provide it?

    Best regards 

    @Vatsilidis wrote:

    Hi @hogriderj 

    What do you want to do that this app doesn't provide it?

    Best regards 


  • Vatsilidis
    Vatsilidis Posts: 655 ⭐Star⭐

    Have you tried to set up the unattended access to the remote pc?

    You can see the How to Setup Unattended Access.

    I hope this will solve it for you.

    Best regards

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,078 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @hogriderj,

    As we say...better late than never! ?

    We are happy to announce that you can now share the screen of your devices running ChromeOS. ?

    If you want to connect via unattended access, please use the TeamViewer Host.
    If you want to connect spontaneously, please use the TeamViewer QuickSupport.

    You will find the download links here:

    Alternatively, you can also download these versions directly on our website here: TeamViewer for Chrome OS

    Please also find additional information here: Supported platforms - Chrome OS 

    Feel free to share your feedback!

    Have a good end of the week. and stay safe! ?



    Community Manager