Will there ever be an option for backup for Mac?
Hi @Fiyre,
I'm on the sales side in North America and backup is live on our webpage supporting Mac: Backup - TeamViewer.
And @Stanislav posted the update here: Backup on macOS is here — TeamViewer Support.
I'm not a forum moderator, but I saw no one replied. 😄
Hi @bluesfannoz
Thanks for the post.
This year we worked on a brand new Backup architecture with performance, security and stability in mind. In 2020 we will release Backup on other platforms including macOS. Our aim is to release it somewhere during Q3 2020.
Could you please tell us what exactly would you need from TeamViewer Backup on macOS in terms of functionality and features you might need?
Hi, @servicepconline
Thanks for the feedback. We were thinking in the lines of what you need and described.
Regarding Full harddrive Backup this could be a bit tricky as the /Macintosh HD drive is mostly protected and many files cannot be used if restored anyway(system files). We will find a balance it and provide this feature.
We will get in touch with you when we have a test version ready later this year.
Just to add my 50 cents.
Thinking about Teamviewer as a system indepent platform, having backup on Mac OS is a crucial functionality. Our clients are all on a mix of Windows and Mac OS - which prevents us currently to use this great product.
Hi @htobias
Thanks for your input and feedback. Our goal is to be multiplatform for all services by the end of 2020. Last year we released services on Mac and Linux also we released a completely redesigned version of our Backup service and in November we released a new Service, Patch Management.
Backup on macOS will definitely come this year. The only situation we have at this moment is to make sure the changes Apple is making to macOS for the next version will not impact our development timelines. If we build it should work seamlessly and be very reliable on macOS.
If you have a mix of Macs and Windows please let us know what are you looking for, in a backup solution for your use case. This would help us iron out the first version feature set.
Any updates on whe backup for macOS will be available?
well I answer the question, in the most common escenarios just need a backup of important files from MAC OS, documents, pictures, etc. Perhaps the entire Hard Disk, but depends on the internet speed to do so.
Sure - Thanks Stanislav for the chance to contribute.
A few UX topics:
a) I suggest to not have a separated tray icon for the backup. It should be integrated into the Teamviewer icon. Our clients know the Teamviewer icon. Adding a new icon - some client quote's: "Did you install another application - my PC is already so slow" - "Oh what can I do here" - "Do I need to take care that it's running?"
b) Restore (using the website) with using a specific date - this can lead to a zero restore ("Restore finished") - because the chosen date is before the first backup etc. The list of files which can be restored should change based on the chosen restore date.
Organisation topics:
a) The set of rules need to be enhanced. There needs to be the chance to disallow restore, manual backup etc. from the client. Horror scenario - client starts a restore without having any clue...
b) Thats for the whole remote management tools: It's sad that nothing of this is part of the Teamviewer full client. All client devices are listet there - at least some indicator that with the endpoint protection/backup is all fine or not.
When it comes to Mac OS - we do not need a full Mac backup. For this, TimeMachine should be used - imho.A backup on that professional level is not for the whole system... in such a desaster scenario we use images to start and then do a restore - most files are anyway on file servers. A file/directory based backup is fully enough - for us.
Thanks for your consideration
I just realized that in the Teamviewer Client for Windows, we see all of the notifications for Remote Management and get a great machine overview.
Guys - please don't forget Mac users - I did not expect that there are such differences on the platforms.
Hello @jhelm704
Thank you for your question, we have the macOS support for backup on our current roadmap. After the performance improvements we are working on now, we will continue with the support for SQL databases and then the macOS support.
We will keep informing you here in our community about the progress of all these projects
Thank you
We will definitely introduce the alarms on macOS and the ability to activate services from the macOS client by the end of this year. At this moment we are working on bringing a few important features on macOS for Endpoint Protection.
Sorry for the delay in replying. We would be looking for the need to specify specific folders to be backed up and allow exclusions for particular file extensions within those folders.
Hi @Stanislav
Is MAC OS Backup now (OCT 2020) available?
Are there any updates?
Still wanting to add backup through teamviewer. Do we know the new schedule for this release?
Hi @Stanislav,
Do you have an update for when Backup for MacOS will be released?