Teamviewer AD Connector - Not creating users in Management Console

champton Posts: 4 ✭✭

Hello Everyone,

Just tried to use the AD Connector and for some reason it doesn't create the users into the admin console?  I'm a little confused about it.  When I click "Save and run" it says completed after it's done.  What could be stopping it from creating the users?  I have the API token and it tests good.


  • christian-j
    christian-j Posts: 54 Staff member 🤠

    Hello Champton,

    there are several reasons for this behavior.

    Did you check the logfile already?
    What about the permissions for the token?
    Maybe ADC running in test mode?

    Team Lead Product Development (Enterprise)

    Did my reply answer your question? To help others, please accept it as solution. Thanks!