Patch Management feature request



Since Patch Management is new and I believe you are actively looking for customer feedback and ideas. Here's some small changes which would be great.

  • On the patch list which shows the number of computers outstanding each patch. Could you have a way so we can get a list of which computers they are?
  • More information on status of deployment. Often clicking the deploy button results in no feedback from the console. We have no way of knowing if anything has happened, or if it can't deploy what is the reason?
  • On the Patches tab. A way to filter by type (Security v Non-Security).
  • I've also found recently that the page doesn't resize very well on smaller screens (e.g. a laptop compared to proper monitor).



  • Levon
    Levon Posts: 48 Staff member 🤠


    Thank you for your valued feedback and suggestions. 

    We already have some of your points on our todo list for coming improvements and for sure will take into consideration others.

    With Best Regards,

    Product Owner, Remote Management
  • PCL-Stephen
    PCL-Stephen Posts: 9 ✭✭

    That's great. Thanks!

  • BXHelpdesk
    BXHelpdesk Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Does this patch management include software roll outs not just patch management?

  • Levon
    Levon Posts: 48 Staff member 🤠


    Thank you for your message.
    Current Patch Management is not including software deployment and mainly is for detecting and deploying missing OS and 3rd part patches which are already installed on device.

    If you have any other questions please let us know.

    With Best Regards,

    Product Owner, Remote Management
  • BXHelpdesk
    BXHelpdesk Posts: 3 ✭✭

    would this be something that you development team might consider looking into going forward or do you have an alternative that can do this.

  • Levon
    Levon Posts: 48 Staff member 🤠

    Dear Customer,

    For next year roadmap we have remote software deployment a topic but there is no ETA for that at this moment, in case of any further news we will have additional post in our community. 

    With Best Regards,

    Product Owner, Remote Management
  • CorneV
    CorneV Posts: 2 ✭✭


    you mention patch management for 3-rd party systems. Is this a pre-defined list of 3rd party systems or can we add the software we support, to the management list?

  • jdixon
    jdixon Posts: 1

    I would like to see the ability to change the time zone on the patch management deployment. I did not realize it was set to UTC, and set it to 8pm. I am in Eastern time zone, so my patch deployment started at 4pm, and I did not realize it would do that. I recognize that I did not pay enough attention, but would like the ability to make the change. I will have to offset the time for now. 

  • Levon
    Levon Posts: 48 Staff member 🤠


    Thank you for your message.

    We have predefined list of supported softwares and we have tried to include most common softwares (which are supporting current patching technology). You can find the list of supported softwares via this link.
    We are constantly updating the list in case of getting requests on the same software, which is common use. So you can contact to our support and left feature request about adding specific software into the list.

    With Best Regards,

    Product Owner, Remote Management
  • Levon
    Levon Posts: 48 Staff member 🤠


    Thank you for your message.
    We will take into consideration your request during further product enhancements.

    With Best Regards,

    Product Owner, Remote Management