Update now to the most recent TeamViewer Remote version 15.62. See the Changelogs here.

[macOS] v15.3.2682 (Full) - Change Log

Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

We released a new version of the macOS full version

Operating system: macOS

Version: 15.3.2682 (Full)

Release date: 2020-02-25

Change Log:

  • New features:

    • New chat features:
      • You can now remove a participant from a chat conversation.

    Bug fixes

    • Fixed a bug with file transfer that resulted in the app freezing when navigating into a local folder with thousands of files.
    • Fixed an issue where a grey bar appeared while sharing the desktop.

Download here

Former Community Manager



  • For almost a week now, team viewer is not working.

    stuck in.

    it will start after 2-3 hours buffering!! unreal.

    no one from team viewer provide any help of fix. 

    this has not essentially a new version problem. it has happened over the past couple of years, on mac or windows platforms, and different versions.

    Business users, simply cry......


  • Vatsilidis
    Vatsilidis Posts: 655 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @konmandi77 

    Have you tried to fully uninstall Teamviewer App, reboot the machine and install a fresh download?

    For the correct full uninstall you have to go in menu Settings --> Advanced --> Uninstall and check the box to remove the configuration Files also.

    What is the version of your MacOS?

    I hope this to solve it!



  • I have the same problem on my MAC Book Air.
    Teamviewer only works if you switch the the proxy setting once.
    After a restart the problem is back.
    I have removed the software and installed him again, but this is not a solution for this problem.

  • This issue persists over the last few months maybe even years. 
    i wonder what the tv team do about it

  • Vatsilidis
    Vatsilidis Posts: 655 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @AtulKaspers 

    Why are you change proxy settings?

    I take a screenshot of my Mac proxy settings and here it is. I never touch anything in proxy settings for many many years before.

    Screenshot 2020-03-04 20.29.55.png


  • I've had problems since the last update. Teamviewer stays offline at startup. If i switch the proxy settings in Teamviewer back and forth, it becomes active.