Add LAN IP Address to Contacts

SteveAW Posts: 1
edited March 2023 in Ideas Hub

We have a firewall that restricts internet access to several computers, so we connect to them with TeamViewer through the LAN with the IP address instead of the Partner ID.  Is there a way to store remote computer IP addresses in the Contacts list?

31 votes

· Last Updated



  • this would be a great feature, with the ability to save the password as a contact with a partner ID
  • satzinger
    satzinger Posts: 9

    I wish I could use the IP address as well!

  • Hi All,

    I would like to request a new function where we have the option to save both local IP Address & TeamViewer ID into the C&C. And an option to connect to any devices via LAN or TeamViewer with a simple clicks.

    As most of the time we are in the office building & we just needs remote control via LAN instead of going through TeamViewer, which is much more faster in initiating the connection.

    Thanks all.

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @carlorino 

    Thanks for your post and your idea.

    Please feel free to upvote @SteveAW s idea here: Add LAN IP Address to Contacts by giving it a kudo.

    I am also ging ahead moving your post as a reply underneath his post.

    Thanks and best,


    Former Community Manager

  • Any news on this Feature?

    best regards


  • This is a long requested item that I have pressed for at every renewal of our corporate licence for the last 5 years.  When will Team Viewer be looking at implementing this?

  • DKE
    DKE Posts: 4

    Any update on this?

  • 7onnie
    7onnie Posts: 1

    Any Updates on this Topic?

  • Got an update with some more added "features" which are worthless to most people, but no LAN IP address support!
    Will this be added, has this been considered - any answer would be nice!

  • Plum117
    Plum117 Posts: 3

    I'm often using team viewer locally just to share the screen of my laptop with my home computer.

    Being able to share this laptop ip through lan instead of internet using contact list would make my work on the laptop way more fluent.

    Please, add the feature!

  • This would be a great feature, please implement it!

  • Any news on this???

  • I CAN'T BELIEVE it's January 2021 and we still continue without this INCREDIBLE SIMPLE AND BASIC feature.

  • TeamViewer please pay attention to this.

    It's an incredibly simple and tremendously useful feature.

    All we want is to be able to add local (LAN) computers into contacts.

  • Please add this feature

  • bunio14
    bunio14 Posts: 0

    Knock knock Teamviewer? Anyone out there? It's been 3 years now and NO RESPONSE? It's pathetic!

  • Please add this feature

  • Please add this feature!

  • jmgu
    jmgu Posts: 0

    Please add this feature, in our case we have the same problem...some of our computers are on a private vpn point to point connected to our work office and the only way that we have to connect to them is through entering manually the IP lan and the password.