Thank you for playing fair



  • @TotalPC 

    Hi. I dont know if you have followed everything but i have done what is asked for. when u say ""Request reset for a suspected commercial use" link"  what link are u talking about there,  i have already followed everylink Esther has talked about and have had this reply after i did fill out the pdf undersign document i got this e mail from this e mail address  :

    Dear User,

    Thank you very much for sending your self-declaration of private use to us.

    We have successfully reset the TeamViewer ID(s) you submitted via the form provided earlier. We acknowledge that you are using TeamViewer for private use only on these devices.


    I have been reset but I'm still getting the message saying I'm using TeamViewer commercially. What can I do?

    If you are still getting the pop-up saying you are using TeamViewer commercially, it is most probably due to the fact that:

    1. the TeamViewer ID of the remote device you are trying to connect to might be flagged as being commercially used.
      Please keep in mind that a TeamViewer connection always involves two devices (TeamViewer IDs) and that we are presenting the pOpUp on both sides of the connection.
      If you think that this is not the case and that connecting to this device is private use, please repeat the process and fill out an additional form for this/these TeamViewer ID(s):

    2. the TeamViewer ID(s) that you submitted is/are invalid or do(es) not exist.
      In order to prevent this, please check if the data you have submitted is correct. To do so, please open your signed declaration (PDF-file) and check if the TeamViewer ID(s) you provided match(es) the TeamViewer ID(s) you are using.
      In this case, please repeat the process and fill out a new form for this/these TeamViewer ID(s):


    Please note that if your usage pattern changes and your TeamViewer connections are deemed to be commercially flagged, your reset may be reverted at any time.


    Thank you for using the free version of TeamViewer. Your support means a lot to us and we hope you will keep enjoying and using our software in the future. 


    Happy connections,

    Your TeamViewer Team.


    so after getting this message i understood it as everything was open and Esther also has said as she can see all is open, or my iDs are open, still i cant log in, she said i had to close the teamviewer and reset the computers the IDs is used in and i did send person to my abroad computer to turn off computer and reset teamvewver, i have self to be able to send this document undersigned travelled long way 2 times (in all 200 km) to be able to print out and scan that pdf document.

    Please can u try to understand me. And help me better through things here.

    with kind regards



  • Hi! I am a Ph.D. student at Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, China. Currently, I am a visiting student at MIT, USA. Because of the COVID-19, I have to use the Teamviewer at home to remotely connect the computer at MIT, my research lab. However, after a few seconds after connecting, I'm disconnected and a message pops up saying something like "this is a free session sponsored by" and "thank you for respecting that", which I assume is related to this. I certainly do it as personal use. Can you help me to reset my ID or do something else to solve this problem? Thank you so much in advance! If you need some materials to check my student status, feel free to email me: [the personal information has been removed as per the community guidelines.]

  • Yuri_T
    Yuri_T Posts: 2,249 [Former Staff]

    Hi @ShuoJiang ,

    Thank you for your post?

    Please note that connecting to or from universities is recognized as Commercial use. For more information, please read this post and I would recommend that the university will reach out to our Sales team to discuss the options for educational institutes. 

    Thank you in advance for your understanding.

    Kind regards,

    Former Japanese Community Moderator
  • Yuri_T
    Yuri_T Posts: 2,249 [Former Staff]

    Hi @pakistan12 ,

    Thank you for your post ?

    If you feel your use is not considered commercial, please fill out the following form - - our support team assesses all requests individually, and in the order they are received, to determine if a reset is possible.

    We thank you in advance for your understanding.

    Kind regards,

    Former Japanese Community Moderator
  • @Yuri_T 

    can you help me (look at what i have said here in this page)

    with best regards

  • Dear you all.

    Dont know why no one can really help me, have had e mail about my IDs are open not in the system as me using it for commercial use after ive sent decleration on pdf document undersigned, still always get still txt when i log into my abroad computer that i am suspected as using for commercial use and only able to connect for one minute at each time.

    I have had this program for over 6 years been so happy and feel so sad no one can give time for helping me. Give direct ways for help.


  • I must say i really dont understand things here. After message from @TotalPC  i sent again this form :**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**.**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**.**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**-61903534.**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**

    and now i get message on e mail about 2 ways either be paying member or send Form, a form i have already sent 2 times with my address and name and IDs and undersigned travelled long way to be able to send that form. After i sent that i got message that you accept my personal use but still since then i always get message about commercial use (has been last 6 days). Got e mail 15th of september saying you accept my personal use of both IDs.

    I ask again and please help me here, maybe im dum, but dont think so i just ask for private help here not e mails from a system (not person directly) Is that to much to ask?

    Kindly help me





  • TotalPC
    TotalPC Posts: 87 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @gustinn2,

    If you're still getting flagged as a commercial user after ALL your IDs have been reset it's most likely due to 2 possible reasons that are described in the message you received.



    If you are still getting the pop-up saying you are using TeamViewer commercially, it is most probably due to the fact that:

    1. the TeamViewer ID of the remote device you are trying to connect to might be flagged as being commercially used.
      Please keep in mind that a TeamViewer connection always involves two devices (TeamViewer IDs) and that we are presenting the pOpUp on both sides of the connection.
      If you think that this is not the case and that connecting to this device is private use, please repeat the process and fill out an additional form for this/these TeamViewer ID(s):

    2. the TeamViewer ID(s) that you submitted is/are invalid or do(es) not exist.
      In order to prevent this, please check if the data you have submitted is correct. To do so, please open your signed declaration (PDF-file) and check if the TeamViewer ID(s) you provided match(es) the TeamViewer ID(s) you are using.
      In this case, please repeat the process and fill out a new form for this/these TeamViewer ID(s):


    Going into a little more detail on those 2 possible reasons outlined in that message:

    1. There are always 2 TeamViewer IDs involved with a remote connection, the TeamViewer ID of the system you're using and the TeamViewer ID of the system you are connecting to. If either are suspected for commercial use it doesn't matter what you're connecting to/from you'll get kicked off and get that message. Assuming your TeamViewer ID hasn't been flagged as commercial again, this would mean the TeamViewer ID you're attempting to connect to has been flagged as being commercial and it also needs resetting.

    The below isn't a solution but a way to help possibly isolate problem IDs:
    If you have access to some extra systems or maybe some friends willing to help, you may be able to determine whether it's the other system's TeamViewer ID, your system's TeamViewer ID, or possibly both have been flagged as commercial. This way you can at least determine the problem IDs. You could install TeamViewer on a new system (yours or a friends) on a separate network (or hotspot) so the WAN IP is different, just in case your WAN IP is somehow tagged for commercial use (not sure they even do that). I accept no liability here so make sure it's a friend you trust and change any passwords given to them.

    See if that new system/friend can remote into the system you've been unable to remote into. If your friend gets kicked off for suspected commercial use, you know that the other ID you've been having trouble connecting to is still a problem.

    Also see if you can remote into that new device/friend's system with no trouble using your system. If you're successful that tells you that your ID isn't experiencing the suspected commercial use problem. If, however, you get the commercial use message, then your ID needs resetting again.

    2. This one is easy enough. Like it says check that you supplied the correct TeamViewer IDs. Won't hurt to check once more and also make sure you included ALL TeamViewer IDs, yours and your partner's.


    Unfortunately private help here is not going to be enough. You will need to get some IDs reset using that form, the question is are you absolutely sure you're resetting all of the necessary IDs?



    TeamViewer user since version 6 (2010). We used other remote software programs (TVNC UVNC PCAny) for many years before.
  • LCM2
    LCM2 Posts: 1

    I play games at home with a computer and a laptop. This game is a level-up game if you leave it on 24 hours a day. And I have to use the item from time to time. Since I am not always at home, I used the item using the team viewer. However, the team viewer was not available as it said that commercial use was detected. I think "I want to play a video game after work at home and I am using TeamViewer from my mobile to stand in the queue  " that's my case. I hope you can solve it as soon as possible.


  • sutr
    sutr Posts: 1


    I am trying to upload the signed pdf for non commercial use. I have a corporate license for work but wont use that at home as i dont want corporate IT team to see my home network or pc's.i have signed and scanned as a pdf but the system wont let me submit it says only pdf allowed. It is a pdf how else can i get the form to you ?

    I have filled in the other method of submitting a request with the team viewer id's i use at home. Will that be enough as i have no other way of uploading a pdf if your system says its not a pdf ? Very weird. PDF signed is only 623kb so well under the 3meg allowed. I have spoken to support through my corporate license and they said try again which i have done 3 times from 3 different machines. Each time it says only PDF files are allowed. IT IS A PDF ! PLEASE HELP

  • Yuri_T
    Yuri_T Posts: 2,249 [Former Staff]

    Hi @sutr

    Thank you for your post ?

    We're not aware of any issues on our side to submit a form.
    Could you please try on a different browser / a machine to see if it works?

    In the meantime, you could wait for an answer as you have already submitted the form on another page.

    Thanks in advance for your understanding ?

    Kind regards,

    Former Japanese Community Moderator
  • @TotalPC 

    Thanks for your help and last message here, i manage to check this on another computer and there it was ok for like 5 days on that new ID that came up then it came up at that computer that i was using it for commercial use.

    Unfortunately private help here is not going to be enough. You will need to get some IDs reset using that form, the question is are you absolutely sure you're resetting all of the necessary IDs?

    Yes im sure, thing is though your form that the system gives to send undersigned pdf document gives posibility to write there 2 or more IDs and i did send it 14th of september but on the outfilled form in pdf i saw the pdf document only had one ID on it the IDs i put in first line on the form.
    I noticed it so on the final pdf i wrote with hand writing letters the other ID so the both Ids where on it.
    Now, on 1st of October i did send once again decleration and for the IDs i had got message from @Esther had for few days told me was still not open.
    There i put in main ID line the ID of the computer that @Esther told that is still closed and need decleration.

    For 8 hours ago i got message from staff on E mail once again the same e mail about that this is accepted as being personal use (saw the message now) so i tried now to log into it from that ID and still got the same message about using for commercial use and only connectable for one minute time.

    Please cant u help me, i have been standing in this situation since around 25th august its a long time i think i have been pation. There most be something u can do to help me, check my sent pdf documents for both IDs and see if all is ok.

    Please help me

    with best regards

  • Hey.
    I cannot reset my free version via the form, as I do not have a printer to print and sign it)
    How do I reset?
    And the second question: do I need to fill out the form in English or in my native language (Russian)?

  • @Esther 



    Dear all community helper.

    I have never before experienced things like this that being out of being able to use the software for over one and a half month.

    Really no one who from the staff that can help.

    with best regards

  • @gustinn2

    In my pdf form there are several identifiers that I wrote. Try filling out the form again so that all identifiers are listed in the printed form.

  • @Yargohor 

    Hi and thank you very much or your reply.

    You say "In my pdf form there are several identifiers that I wrote."  where did you wrote it ? where can i find your form or the pdf document you have filled out what is needed on the document?  I saw in e mail i had that i can open the form and see what is needed but when i log into the same page as i did when i sent the undersigned document there only opens new blank document not document with txt about what is needed? can you help me to see that or send it to my e mail so i can fill out new document with outfilled in correct way so i can use the teamviewer again?

    with best regards

  • @Yargohor 

    tried to send you this personal message but came txt i cant send more private message.

    Hi, thanks you for trying to help me here in the community.

    I sent you message there in the chat window "thank you for being fair" or something like that its called 2 days ago where you talked about the pdf document i sent and i could see there what is not correctly filled out or needed to fill correctly out.

    Kindly read my message there and held me

    with best regards


  • @Esther 






    Hi all community helper

    Cant understand why it is so difficult for you to give people correct and direct ways and help so at least people can try to fill up what you say is needed so people can use your software

    I ask please can you help me?

  • @gustinn2 

    When I open the reset page ( I see a field for TeamViewer IDs. By pressing the + button, you can write several identifiers. Thus, all identifiers will be written to the pdf.


  • @Yargohor 

    That is what i have done, i have now sent you 3 times pdf,  my first was with both IDs on but only one came out on the printed document so i also handwrote IDs that did not come on the printed form to be sure.  Then i sent one with seperate IDs.

    you said i did fill out something wrong i need to know what i did not fill out correctly.

    are you in position to look at what i have sent?

    with best regards please help me so i can start to use the software after been out of it for 7 weeks.


  • @gustinn2 

    You have now sent to me 3 times pdf? where did send?
    I am a simple user. I am not a technical support employee.

  • eldadc
    eldadc Posts: 2

    I am lost, i have been using it for years for definitely private usage and suddenly I am tagged, how do I clear it?


  • eldadc
    eldadc Posts: 2

    not much of a help, especially since I try to submit the  reactive form and the system does not recognize my ID although I am able to logon with that id.

    i have to say that your support is terrible, basically none existence!

  • Suggestion:  There needs to be a lite version for single user.  I log on maybe 6x per year, for a home based business. $49 per month may not seem like a lot of money to a business that is thriving, or established, but it is just too much. especially now. Can I suggest something like tiers? $10 per month gets 5-10 log-ons per month, or a certain number of minutes? These could apply to both private and "commercial" usage. @Esther 

  • OK - so - somebody a Teamviewer dropped the guantlet - understandable - but this was stunningly pourly carried out. I'm now getting on a plane to go fix things in person at my mom's house, because i can't do it from home. You could have warned us, you could have asked for verficiation BEFORE cutting us off, you could have given some sort of heads up. Obviously a lot of ~free~ users have been affected, and i get that you're a business, but this wasn't exactly the friendliest way to go about accomplishing your objectives. The error messages aren't even consistent - you have five mins, no 60 seconds, no you can't reconnect for one minute, and then the clock restarts every time you try ... this could have been executed in a more smoothly intended way. 

  • RBowen
    RBowen Posts: 2

    This was exceptionally poorly thought out and implemented IMO. I've used TeamViewer for years, both personal usage in my home, and professional use at work.

    My home setup is very simple, My Mac, My Win Desktop, Kid 1 iMac, Kid 2 Win Desktop, Kid 3 Win Laptop. All of which are tied to my TV account and granted easy access. All also in the same house, same network, same IP. I use my Mac exclusively, so occasionally I have to TV into my Win Desktop to find an old file that I didn't transfer over. Most often though I TV into my kiddo's computers to help them with something school related, to see what they are asking me about, or to fix something that has gone wrong. All of that usage is personal usage by this article. Yet now, 1 of my 5 TV IDs is hit with the Commerical Use Suspected issue (the Win Desktop) while all the others have been unaffected as of yet.

    Advance notice would have been greatly appreciated, instead of BOOM no longer working. Beyond that though, there should have been better implementation and a more thought out process for this given the vast majority of the country is doing virtual school and TV is frequently used by parents to access their kiddos computers in the aforementioned The very fact that my account is tied to a residential address, all 5 TV ids go back to the same IP address (and have NEVER connected outside that IP), all devices are registered to the same account, I fail to understand how/why one of the five got hit by that.

    Sadly, I'm not the sole decision maker for my employer, because after this major dropping of the ball, I would drop our Corporate + 3 Session Addon subscription first thing Monday morning, but I will certainly be presenting this to the other 2 decision makers and pushing for it as the timing of this shafting of personal use/private use accounts, especially those where it is painfully obvious there was no commerical use, and the manner it was carried out has left a very sour taste and ethical questions galore.

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    @eldadc @barbless @SoCalAaron @RBowen et al: Thanks for your feedback and the time you took to reach out to us. I´ll make sure to forward your feedback accordingly internally. Rest assured it has not been unnoticed. Thanks, Esther

    Former Community Manager

  • LRC
    LRC Posts: 3

    I began recieving Commercial Use Suspected message a few weeks ago and submitted a reset form about 2 weeks ago. I have not received any communication and the message continues. I wondered if I made a mistake so submitted it again today. Can you help?


  • RBowen
    RBowen Posts: 2

    @Esther I certainly appreciate the acknowledgement of the feedback.

    I do have a suggestion, versus just complaining about the current system. Reverse it!

    Instead of locking people out and then the form being completed to regain access when an account is flagged such as this, instead have an email sent to the account holder when that account is flagged advising suspected commercial use. In the email provide the link to the form and 72hrs to complete the form before the account is locked.

    This is dual purpose, most illegitimate users won't complete the form and will disappear or freak and pay for the license. Legit users won't get locked out at the most inconvient time or without notice.

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