Thank you for playing fair



  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠
    edited May 2021

    Hi all,

    As a friendly reminder for everyone having issues with the form and reset:

    1. Please always insert the remote ID as well in the reset form.
    2. Please use the plus-icon to add multiple IDs
    3. And last but not least I am copy/pasting from my blog above regarding the question of whether TeamViewer is shutting down the free usage. The answer is NO!

    I hope this is crystal-clear by now, but still: Some people have been worrying about whether TeamViewer wants to stop offering its free service for private users.

    We always tried to be very clear with our replies and take away this fear from our users by giving a clear answer: 

    No. The private use of TeamViewer is free.

    And this is it: Nothing more to say about it. TeamViewer is free for private use.

    @Anwarjutt Please test whether your TeamViewer works again after a couple of days. The best is to restart the service on both sides of a connection. Due to various reasons is it possible that emails are not being delivered. Thanks you!

    @Tsack Thanks for not posting personal information in public! I love that you are security and data protection aware!! Just to repeat what I wrote in private: Please also submit the remote ID. The team confirmed, that your ID is already reset. That means, the issue must be on the remote ID. Thanks!

    @alexsts Due to "inactivity"? That does not sound like the software is suspecting commercial usage. Or do you also get another "error" message? For me, it sounds rather like a technical issue and not that the software limits you. And regarding your last question: please see above: TeamViewer is free for private use. TeamViewer is not shutting down its free service for private users. TeamViewer is not forcing private users to buy a license.

    Former Community Manager

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  • EdwardUK
    EdwardUK Posts: 47

    alexsts, you need to do the 'reset management' process. See first post of this thread for relevant link.

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  • da9el84
    da9el84 Posts: 7

    Hey TV,

    So I've submitted the form 4 times in the last month, each time getting a "reset" email, confirming a reset of my account. As soon as I connect from my phone to my desktop(the only connection I ever use), it's shut down within 20 seconds for commercial use.....

    The form has included both my desktop's ID and my phone's.

    Although being a free user, I feel like this is becoming somewhat of a joke.

    Can't contact support, because that's only for paying clients, can't submit a ticket even though that's what's been referred to on your voicemail to do....

    Any advice?

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @da9el84

    Sorry to read that! Sending the form in 4 times is a lot - sorry!

    Would you mind reinstalling your TeamViewer on your phone once to force it to connect to the server again? I hope this will resolve it already!

    Thanks, Esther

    Former Community Manager

  • Ollie74
    Ollie74 Posts: 1
    edited June 2021

    @Esther Is there any way to activate the commercial use warning? I have recently taken over a few clients from a less than reputable support guy and they have Teamviewer setup in situations that are clearly not private use. For example, reps connecting to office computers from mobile devices to issue invoices, staff connecting to windows 10 "servers" from home and so on.

    I have tried explaining the need for licenses however im often told that the last guy "sold" it to them and they have never had a problem using it before.

    I would like to trigger the commercial use warning if possible on these devices so that the incorrect use can be limited and to get the clients to be more willing to listen to the correct solutions.

    Is this possible?

  • EdwardUK
    EdwardUK Posts: 47

    I fully congratulate you on your proposed actions. One possible way of getting this done is to tag @Esther who works for Teamviewer (or send her a private message) so she can bring it to the attention of the relevant team.

  • I use TeamViewer while working at home. I connect from my work laptop to my home desktop to be able to use Amazon music to play music while I'm working. I use TV to avoid having to manually change my monitor, keyboard, and mouse to my desktop just do something like change the volume or skip a song. The connection is from my work laptop, which is connected to my work network via VPN, so I imagine I am connecting from my work network to my home system. The systems are physically right next to each other, connected to the same monitors, keyboard, and mouse. I would hate to think that this is counted as commercial use just because I'm connecting from work to home! If that's the case, then my solution will most assuredly NOT be to purchase a license; rather it will be to find an alternative that is not:

    a) spying on my connections

    b) assuming a priori that I am using the system illegally.

    Thank you

  • EdwardUK
    EdwardUK Posts: 47

    This forum is only for chatting about TV stuff, not for asking for a reset. You need to go through the appeal process (see first post in this thread for the relevant link) if you have now been classified as a commercial user (or get minimal connection time). Good luck with the appeal. The relevant appeal team are very strict about any connections from or to 'work' devices.

    I connect to machines on my home lan (and at times via VPN) and simply use built in operating system tools. However I'm not allowed to mention what those tools are in this forum as the built in operating system tools are classified by TV as third party tools. 🙂 or rather ☹️

  • MSavazzi
    MSavazzi Posts: 1
    edited June 2021

    @Esther TeamViewer is very nice but is 4 DAYS that I'm not able to connect for some weird unclear reason

    Your algorithm is totally screwed up! I connect with always the same 4 computer, older parents I help and now you've screwed me up!!!!

    This really **bleep**!!! you've lost 10000000000000000000000000 points is customer service and trust.

  • azbolt
    azbolt Posts: 1

    Howdy, free user here, like others have mentioned, I remote in to my elderly mother's computer to help her with her computer issues. I've gone ahead and done the reset for both my computer and her computer (meaning her TeamViewer ID and mine) and received the email back that they have been reset back to personal use, however I still receive the "Timed Out" message. I've gone back and double checked our TeamViewr ID's that I submitted and they are correct. I've exited TeamViewer and got back in, still not able to stay connected to her computer for more than a few seconds. I've read several articles on your website about how to go through the whole reset process and I can't find anything I'm doing incorrectly. Any other ideas you have that I could try?


  • vt
    vt Posts: 3

    Please add me to the listing. have been trying to fill out that form and the "generate pdf" does nothing. it does highlight "add teamviewer id" once in a while and I keep entering it and it just does not work!


  • JerryUS
    JerryUS Posts: 2

    I have been experiencing the same issue in the last few months also. I use the software to help manage my Dad's Doro phone.

    I have read this thread and truly applaud that teamviewer will continue to support free use for the community. It is literally a lifesaver for my Dad.

    I have gone through the reset steps, 4 times (listing my two teamview device ids and my dad's doro phone teamviewer id)

    Each time I have received a response from the stating:

    "We have successfully reset the TeamViewer ID(s) you submitted via the form provided earlier.

    We acknowledge that you are using TeamViewer for private use only on these devices."

    When I try to use it I get:

    Connection blocked after timeout

    Your license limits the maximum session duration to a partner, immediate reconnects are blocked, please try later or upgrade your license.

    Connections to this partner will be blocked until HH:MM

    Also I am not sure how to proceed ? Any help please

  • EdwardUK
    EdwardUK Posts: 47

    At times (often?) the Teamviewer reset team reset the incorrect ID. You will need to send in another reset appeal and ask again. Also make sure you also include the ID of remote machine you are connecting to (in your case your father's Doro phone). Sometimes the remote machine gets classified as a commercial user.

    Good luck.

  • Kyle5783
    Kyle5783 Posts: 2

    If Teamviewer is going to have a policy that punishes honest users for the sake of rooting out the criminals, it seems like the least the company could do is have a more responsive timeline for reviewing these pdfs you guys are having us create, download, and then immediately re-upload.

    Or maybe suspend the account an hour or day later to at least let the honest users handle time-critical tasks before access is closed out. Or you could temporarily remove the suspension while you are processing the request. It just feels cruel and unnecessary to punish the abiding userbase while the case is being reviewed.

    That being said, I understand it is a free service and I am very grateful that TeamViewer provides a free tier so we can all take better care of our friends, families, and vulnerable populations. Thank you.

  • Gauk
    Gauk Posts: 1

    How about academic use? I'm a PhD student and use Teamviewer to connect to a computer with an experiment. These experiments are rare, twice a year, during which period I may connect once or twice a day (for a week) for a few minutes to check progress. It's not in any way commercial use, however it's been flagged as such. Could I appeal or should I start looking into other software solutions?

  • mosterm
    mosterm Posts: 3

    Hello, I always use TeamViewer ONLY at home ONLY for personal connection between my PCs.

    It's an useful mode to control many functions of internal network and exchange of personal datas and documents.

    I really hope that YOU can permit this very useful kind of experience of study.

    If not possible to continue with free use, unfortunately I must find some other free good alternative, because buying the PRO version of TeamViewer is for me too much expensive, seen that I don't obtain any money from all my PC activities. 

    I tried to create the requested PDF in module section, but it doesn't work at all, so I can't upload for you and proceed for reactivating. My user word is only of 7 character, can you help? PLEASE..

    Many, many thanks for all you can understand, trust & do for me.

    Erminio Giuseppe Carlo Mostacci😃

  • EdwardUK
    EdwardUK Posts: 47

    Don't se your username in the reset process, use the relevant IDs of the devices that are affected.

  • LIkewise, I have been advised on a few occasions that my IDs have been reset and service restored. Most times this has been proven false by not being able to connect for more than a minute or so between laptop and desktop. I did, two weeks ago, believe TV had cracked the problem and I had bilateral communication between them. However, just yesterday I entered the the TIMEOUT BLOCK zone once more.

    Just WTH is going on with TV algorithms to propagate this misery for users who are "playing fair".

  • GoBananasnet
    GoBananasnet Posts: 2
    edited June 2021

    I'm living in TeamViewer **bleep** now. I have a few months back submitted my letter confirming I'm looooooooong since retired and using TV to help family. I have not used TV for a while and now just got flagged AGAIN as commercial use after only about 30 seconds of use. What is going on? How to STOP this insanity?

  • Runkies
    Runkies Posts: 2

    "Communication is key. Let´s stay in contact, let´s learn from each other, and let´s be successful together!"

    that's all good in theory but every time i have an issue it gets harder and harder to actually be able to contact TeamViewer in any meaningful way

    lately it seems every time i go to connect to a device i get the "You have run out of time" message and i dont use teamviewer all that often. what makes it really annoying is its almost every time. i need to deo something i try to login i get the error. i have to go through the reset process. thats all well and good but it means i never get to do the thing i wanted to do.

    teamviewer used to be great id always recommend it to anyone who needed a remote solution, but thesedays it just never works

    and i get it, i understand why my usage looks commercial. but its not and it never has been. i dont have a job or a workplace. ive never earned any money by using teamviewer in anyway shape or form. yet any time i need to use it i always get the error

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @Runkies Thanks for your feedback and welcome to our Community! After getting the confirmation of having gotten a reset I think it is fair to assume that all connections work again.

    I think we (=TeamViewer) need to make it clearer that both IDs should be submitted as the local or the remote ID can trigger the limitation. So even if your ID is good to go again, you can face issues when there is the commercial flag on the remote device.

    I am taking your feedback with me and see how we can communicate it better.

    In any case, you can always contact TeamViewer and TeamViewer users in our Community 👍 This is why we created the forum!

    I hope you can use TeamViewer on all your devices again asap!

    Former Community Manager

  • Runkies
    Runkies Posts: 2

    Hi @Esther, Thanks for the reply

    This how ever is not the issue.

    i go through stages where i use Teamviewer every day for weeks on end, and this is with no issues at all. then ill go a month or 2 without using it and when i go to use it again i find out i have been yet again flagged and i go and have it reset and they reset it for me. then it works fine again for a while. then at some unspecified time i get flagged again. this has been going on for years now. its always the same

    I used to have one computer that got flagged every 3 months like clockwork. thankfully that doesnt happen any more.

    but the whole Issue pops up often enough thats its really annoying

  • Eikreis
    Eikreis Posts: 2
    edited June 2021

    Hi @Esther,

    I use TV to connect from my phone to my home computer when there are things I just can't do conveniently on my phone, for example setting up stream recordings. I also prefer to send emails from my desktop as it has email tracking whereas my phone does not. None of the things I do are related to work nor do they earn me any compensation whatsoever, so I just can't understand why it's flagging commercial.

    I submitted my request a week ago but haven't received a response yet. I heard it usually takes about a week so perhaps I'll give it another week... do you know if they're just heavily backed up with requests?

    I've tried restarting the service on both my phone and my computer, and it still flags. Interestingly, it only flags on my phone when I try to connect through data, but not when I connect on my home wifi... odd. I obviously can't access my home wifi from my phone when I'm out and about, for example on a hike in the river valley in my city, so I don't really think there's any workaround for that.

    In any case, I'm hoping to get a reply soon. Any suggestions in the meantime? I'm really hoping this gets solved soon as I quite like TV and would like to use it in the future, but at this point I've already swapped to alternate software that doesn't seem to have such an apparently high rate of false positive flagging on commercial usage. It's not quite as nice as TV but if this continues to be an issue I don't really think I'll have much of a choice.

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  • gordon861
    gordon861 Posts: 7

    Just gonna post here to say thanks for the free TeamViewer deal, been using it for years on my home network mostly to remote into headless Raspberry Pi or local media storage, much better than the Windows Remote Desktop.

    It was especially useful during the Covid peak where I could build a new PC for my isolating parents, set it all up and they could quarantine it for a few days before firing it up. And then once they were ready to start using it I could just remote in and run them through the Win7/10 changes and do any further tweaking as they had problems.

    But I think I may have triggered a Commercial Warning last weekend when I took TeamViewer off a laptop and replaced it with the Host version, the plan was that my parents would have my old laptop as an additional computer but not be able to control my computers.

    Submitted the form a week ago and still awaiting the ID reset, and now I read that perhaps I should have gone through all my networked machines and included all the IDs to reset them.

  • Unknown
    edited June 2021
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  • I have a question.

    My boyfriend and me use TeamViewer to play video games and to watch YT-videos.

    We got a "commercial suspected"-warning and got locked. We filled in the formular for the "reset-management". He got unlocked after 3 work days and I'm still locked after 3 weeks. I got no e-mail, nothing.

    What should we do?

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