Where can I find my "IDC" value for a script


As the subject says I was looking for some values and the only one I was unable to find was called "IDC"


  • Akiho
    Akiho Posts: 1,218 Moderator

    Hi @Domurso,

    Thank you for contacting TeamViewer Community.

    Regarding IDC, it is required to create customized module on Management Console first.

    Once you created it, please kindly check the following process.

    - Access to Management Console

    - Go to Design & Deploy, and select the target module and click Edit.

    - IDC shows on the bottom right of the pop-up screen.

    Hope it would be helpful.

    Best Regards.

    Japanese Community Moderator / コミュニティモデレーター

  • Domurso
    Domurso Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Received a script from a tier 2 support ...




    #Uninstall TeamViewer

    #Terminates TeamViewer app

    echo "Stopping TeamViewer"

    osascript -e 'quit app "TeamViewer_Host"'

    launchctl remove com.teamviewer.Helper#Deletes configuration files.

    echo "Removing TeamViewer configuration files"

    rm -f /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.teamviewer.Helper

    rm -f /Library/Preferences/com.teamviewer*

    rm -f ~/Library/Preferences/com.teamviewer*#Set working directory to /tmp


    cd /tmp

    cp "${current_path}/choices.xml" .#Download and Install custom host

    echo "Downloading and Installing custom host"

    cd /tmp

    curl -O https://dl.teamviewer.com/download/version_15x/CustomDesign/Install%20TeamViewerHost-idc$idc.pkg

    installer -applyChoiceChangesXML choices.xml -pkg Install%20TeamViewerHost-idc$idc.pkg -target /#This wait is to allow time for the install to finish before running the account assignment

    echo "10 seconds wait before running the account assignment"

    sleep 10s#Assignment

    echo "Running the account assignment"

    /Applications/TeamViewerHost.app/Contents/Helpers/TeamViewer_Assignment -api-token $token -group "$group" -grant-easy-access -reassign


    I filled out the missing variables and the code outputted the error in the attached image... wondering how to get this to work as it would be essential in distributing Team Viewer

  • Domurso
    Domurso Posts: 3 ✭✭

    accidentally made a new post instead of responding to this one my apologies

  • Akiho
    Akiho Posts: 1,218 Moderator

    Hi @Domurso,

    Thank you for your response.

    In order to assist you further, please create a support ticket.

    Regarding how to submit a support ticket, please check the knowledge article.

    Please note that TeamViewer licensed account is required to submit a support ticket, thus please sign in with your licensed account.

    Thank you in advance for your understanding and patience.

    Japanese Community Moderator / コミュニティモデレーター