Thank you for playing fair



  • EdwardUK
    EdwardUK Posts: 47

    Sometimes it can take weeks for the team to get to the appeals. There does not seem to be rhyme or reason as to the order of when appeals are looked at. Given that you can't currently chase things I suggest you ask your BF sends in another request but this time use your TW ID rather than his.

  • Unknown
    edited July 2021
    This content has been removed.
  • gordon861
    gordon861 Posts: 7

    I ended up very politely enquiring via Twitter to the support account to ask what the turn around was with the tickets at the moment. They looked and said that my account should already have been released but there was a problem with the release. It turned out that I had sent them a single ID, when in truth I should really have sent ALL my TV IDs.

    So yes, submit a ticket for your computer number as well.

    I've twice had my TV account locked and on both occasions I never received a confirmation that it was unlocked, it just happened.

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Thanks for your feedback @gordon861 and I 100% agree with you: it is always best to submit all IDs (it is possible to submit up to 10 IDs in the form).

    However - I apologize that you never received a confirmation. Unfortunately, this is nothing we can really control, and therefore, we recommend "simply" restart TeamViewer after a couple of days to see whether the connections work again as they used to.

    Former Community Manager

  • SteveRC
    SteveRC Posts: 1

    My problem is this... My company is a licensed, commercial user, and we maintain the front-ends for hundreds of multi-million-dollar mesh-welding machines around the world via TeamViewer. The newer ones, running Win7/Win10 are fine, but recently the older ones running WinXP have been complaining about requiring TeamViewer upgrades, (but upgrading does not help), and now they are bringing up that "suspected Commercial use" message and logging me out every 5 minutes, even though I am logged in as a commercial user!

    Now I understand that the attitude of Microsoft, (and by extension TeamViewer?) is simply to argue that "It's obsolete! - upgrade to a later OS!" - But when you have 10 million dollars worth of hardware, designed to be controlled and maintained by dedicated IPCs running WinXP, that have been operating fine for the last 15 years, it's a little bit difficult to explain to the customer that he will have to pay twice as much to rip it all out and upgrade, just because "Microsoft Says So!"

    Is this really the game that TeamViewer wants to play? As the Electronics Design Engineer that designed hardware and wrote code for those old machines, I think I can say with a fair degree of certainty that it would be child's play for the TeamViewer software guys to keep a few lines of code in the latest releases to maintain compatibility with older OS versions without griping about it!?

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    HI @SteveRC

    When using TeamViewer on an XP, please use TeamViewer 14.2 and make sure to be logged in with your licensed account. If you run TeamViewer 8, 9 or 10 on those devices, you will continue to receive the time outs as we are going to discontinue their server support on September 15th. After that date, no connections outside of LAN connections will be possible. Thanks and best, Esther

    Former Community Manager

  • wazzza
    wazzza Posts: 2

    When companies do not understand their customers (Free or not), that company is doomed.

    If I ran a company, I would NEVER have a solution that takes seven days to get back to people if that seven days causes real issues for some or all customers. Seven days to an 88 year old is like 4 months to a 30 year old (just guesstimating).

  • hello there, need some help here. I am using Teamviewer to monitor my two boys during online class. I already. I already submitted the "commercial suspected" form back in June with the 2 affected ids but it didn't work. Where do I submit the form again? Thank you.

  • ChrisInTN
    ChrisInTN Posts: 1
    edited September 2021

    I believe my account was flagged as commercial because sometimes I get called away from my work desk just as I logged into TeamViewer to check on a file or program on my home desktop PC. Unfortunately, my session stays connected for an hour or more...although the session was completely idle.

    Perhaps offer a similar feature like with Netflix....."Are you still there?". If not, drop the connection.

    Even better, I would gladly pay $5-$10/month for a single, dedicated session to my home PC. I can't justify $50/month for that my personal needs. I guess I'll just set up an RDP port and go about it that way.

  • Tkut
    Tkut Posts: 5

    Why is this process taking so long, until when does it normally get reviewed?

  • I understand fully why you need to police free accounts and I would like to thank you for unlocking mine as my use is, by any definition, purely private.

    However, I did not receive any communication to that effect and it was only after waiting for a week, trying to resubmit the request, getting the "your request is being processed" message, and then finding this page (again) and reading a large number of posts, that I simply tried connecting to my wife's PC to see whether I had been unlocked. Hey presto, it worked. I can now ditch the somewhat clunky Microsoft Assist programme that I tried using while waiting for you to unlock my account and get back to using a far superior product to help my family and friends...

    I have checked my junk mail and spam folders regularly since submitting the request, so am reasonably certain that nothing has been received. Had I not read the posts in this thread, I would have just been sitting here waiting and getting more and more frustrated!

    Could you please review the process by which you inform private users that their account has been unlocked as it clearly isn't working particularly well at the moment.

    edited April 2022

    I have been using the corporate version of Team Viewer for many years, and am sad to report that I am switching to **Third Party Product**. Why.... Because Team Viewer stopped providing support for the thousands of dollars I provide to them each and every year. I am having an issue with the Android remote control APK shutting down after the first time that I run it, so I called the Team Viewer No Support line. The person who answered was nasty, and REFUSED to escalate my issue, REFUSED to discuss my issue, and REFUSED to provide a phone number to escalate the issue. [removed per Community Guidelines] Remember Team Viewer, YOU ARE NOT TOO BIG TO GO OUT OF BUSINESS. You depend on our fees for your livelihood just as we, the customers depend on a functional product to provide support to our customers. FAREWELL TO TEAM VIEWER. [removed per Community Guidelines]

  • Suspected commercial use - FIlled in the form and had the reset response back from TeamViewer, but still seeing the error 'suspected commercial use'.

    Trying to reset both IDs (I only submitted one at the outset) but every time I go into the reset-management page, my only option is to download the form I have submitted, not to submit an additional form.

    How do I submit an additional form??

  • ventskus
    ventskus Posts: 1

    I have already sent three reset requests. however, there is still no connection. I use my mobile phone to control my computer and check if everything is ok when I'm at work. Where can I apply?

  • Andreas27
    Andreas27 Posts: 1


    I'm using TeamViewer on the following scenario :

    I build LEGO remote-controlled vehicles and operate them with my cellphone via a Bluetooth connection. Since Bluetooth range is poor I secure the controller phone on the vehicle and use a second device to access the controller phone using TeamViewer, thus achieving theoretically infinite range (as long as there is 4G network in the area).

    Could this be considered commercial use? Is there any scenario I should avoid to keep "playing fair"?


  • tjs314159
    tjs314159 Posts: 1

    I have used TeamViewer for some time, mostly under two use categories: helping my Grandparents (80+) with their computer issues and accessing my desktop while I am away, usually visiting my parents. I stopped helping my Grandparents 3 years ago, so I now solely use TeamViewer to access my desktop while away visiting family. I am currently visiting my parents to help them settle into their new house that they moved into after retiring, and TeamViewer suddenly decided I am using it commercially. I think this is due to my parents not having the best internet connection, they don't need one because they mainly use it to read the news and download E-books. I have submitted the reset form, but if it takes over a week to get reset, part of my trip here may become pointless because some of the information I need to help them get certain things setup I keep in a master spreadsheet on my desktop that I cannot use effectively on the small, underpowered tablet I brought. I will freely admit that is not all I use TeamViewer for while I am here, but the only other thing is to play games in my free time. I am not getting paid for any of this, and only want to help my parents. This flag just came out of the blue.

  • Selene2
    Selene2 Posts: 1

    I suggest you edit the original post to lead with: "Any private use from a workplace is considered commercial use, even if you are browsing Facebook or playing a game on your home computer during lunch at work."

    This appears to be the most confusing aspect of what TeamViewer considers commerical usage.

  • This content has been removed.
  • This content has been removed.
  • Zvi1
    Zvi1 Posts: 4

    I have read your entire article here. I submitted the form explaining that I (here in New Jersey) use Team Viewer to connect to my father (who is in Israel) who is [VERY] Computer Illiterate. He uses HIS computer to: (1) read email [whose access was set up for him) and (2) play some form of solitaire and (3) have a *bleep* session with me where we study together. I am fairly sure that NONE of this is considered "commercial use" on his end.

    I deliberately do NOT run Team Viewer on my "work laptop" to connect to him in order that this should not be suspected as "commercial use". That is, I use Team Viewer on my HOME laptop to connect to him, initiate *bleep* on HIS computer, then go to my "work laptop" to actually run *bleep* to connect to him. This does not seem to me to be "commercial use".

    I was "tagged" for commercial use. I submitted the form and I am STILL "blocked". As there seems to be no way to have "follow-up", I am VERY upset / frustrated.

    I believe that I am being a "good citizen" but am being "punished" for no reason.

    What else can be done to resolve this?

  • ChrisLLB7
    ChrisLLB7 Posts: 2

    So, this is what I'm reading here:

    1) Regardless of use, anything related to a Server OS is considered Commercial Use. Because private individuals can't possibly purchase hardware with Server OS on it. I have two. Installed at my house. Housing my personal private data. On my own personal network. That's "Commercial"?

    2) I fully understand the "work from home" aspect that you can't connect to a work machine from home. You're "working" therefore profiting off of using TeamViewer. However, why is the opposite also commercial? If I'm at work, why is connecting to my home computer (as in, I connected to a home PC to run a speed test to see if the ISP tech fixed our internet link or not yet) or a thousand other possible uses considered commercial? How is connecting to a home PC profiting me in any way? It isn't (at least in my case here).

    3) Connecting from corporate networks. Ok, I can also understand here that connecting to other devices from the stance of IT support is commercial. No question there. However, as someone else stated in a previous comment, connecting from a personal device to a personal device, but using a corporate network's guest WiFi is commercial? If it's not commercial elsewhere, why is it commercial on a specific network? It shouldn't be.

    The definition of Commercial is "making or intended to make a profit". If there is no profit or intent to make it, it's not commercial. Doesn't matter where it's from, what kind of device, what OS is installed, who's network you're connected to, etc.

    Here's my overall summary of TeamViewer. It used to be great. I've used it for I can't remember how many years. However, the bottom line now is "we offer a free version, but we will find every technicality possible to force you into buying an extremely overpriced (compared to other services that do the same thing) commercial license.

    There are so many options out there that there's no need to fight through the legal jargon and technicalities. Honestly, after my "commercial use" this morning and reading up on what is considered "commercial use" I'd rather pay for a competitor's license than continue being hassled by TV for "abusing the system". I've never made a dime by using TeamViewer, and never planned to.

    "We will always provide a free version"... yeah... just not for you.

  • ChrisLLB7
    ChrisLLB7 Posts: 2

    They'll find a way to make it commercial. You had to spend money to buy the legos, so that makes it commercial. That's about what it's coming to now.

    Less aggravated, I'd avoid it regardless. For starters, if they do flag you as commercial, your connection will just drop randomly with no warning, then you have to wait a certain time period (the warning says 5 minutes, but I've had to wait upwards of an hour to get back in to something). Even if they don't flag it, you're still banking your connection on a third party service that has no guarantee at the software or network level of maintaining that connection, plus you have to factor in lag. If you're already doing it that way, then more power to you. I just wouldn't bet money on the connection being stable enough for something like that is all.

  • cmamaril
    cmamaril Posts: 5

    I'm going to try one more time since I can't even get a response from the other thread.

    I went through the reset management process with partial success. However, I left out two ID'S that needed to be reset. When I try to add these, I get the Download PDF (see screen capture) message below:

    I was instructed to fill out a new form but cannot since I'm stuck in this "Download PDF" message when I try to submit a new form. How do I get out of this download PDF loop to submit a new form? I cleared my cache, cookies etc but no joy. Can anyone help out here? @Esther seems to be very helpful so you're my last hope for support. TIA.

  • GRM
    GRM Posts: 2

    How long does it take to reset a commercial use issue? I cannot connect to my mom's computer to help her and she lives 4 hours away.

  • steve1952
    steve1952 Posts: 1

    I'm trying to use the reset form whatever it's called. Never mind that I haven't used Teamviewer for at least 3 months, so how does my usage pattern indicate commercial use?

    Anyhow, the form doesn't work. Pressing Generate and Upload from either Chrome or Firefox after filling everything out causes exactly nothing to happen.

  • scoobybe
    scoobybe Posts: 2

    Used Team Viewer with no issues for about 3 months from the same 2 machines to access 1 machine. But then it was decided that even though the 3 machines were on the same network and similar IP addresses it was commercial use. Completed the reset form and nothing happened. Really unhappy with this now!

  • mudbug
    mudbug Posts: 1

    I'm in the same boat. Timed out for commercial use. I've had this reset before about a year ago, after several tries by Teamviewer. Months later, same problem. I only remote to one PC, an elderly parent 9 hrs away from me by car, to help her with computer problems. I've just filled out another reset request. No commercial use by me or mum. I realize it's a free version, but I'm not inclined to pay for a commercial license with this kind of track record, problem that keeps popping up, and the same old canned responses.

  • i noticed an abnormal amount of data being backed up to my cellular device. Its an auxilluary device and I dont have any more room for my emulator to make drawings because the new normal is supposed to be seemless without any tears or loose ends

  • DruryHills
    DruryHills Posts: 4
    edited July 2022

    This seemed like a useful post but I have sent the rest form nearly two weeks ago and have had no change since, we only use it for connections to three devices all owned by elderly parents who need constant and frequent support. On the request form I included all IDs as they state they will ensure they are all unlocked. It is critical that I can support these people who are all in there 80s. This seems too me to be an attempt by Teamviewer too drive personal users to buy a licence and do away with the free option.

    TeamViewer empowers people to help others beyond borders and barriers.

    This vision doesn't seem to hold true any longer.

  • Sarli
    Sarli Posts: 1

    I have summited the form to have my free version released from commercial suspicion many days ago but have not heard from TeamViewer. Does anyone know what is the turn around time?

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