Your device will be assigned to Company ...message
Quite normally from our TeamViewer Admin Portal under “Rollout configuration”. I should perhaps add that we have a Tensor Basic subscription.
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Hello @Mykyta_Makovetskyi,
i am trying same as you. Installation of EXE is okay, silent etc all good. But assigment is not working as expected i think. We have just Premium license. In our portal there is no visible assigment ID but i think it is visible in weblink of assigment policy edit. Could you just confirm for me, that ID is in format - 8digitis-4digits-4digits-4digits-12digits so i am looking for right parametr?i also dont have option to select "roll-out setup to "None"" in my portal :/ is it still think of license topic?
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Hi @Metisak,
You should get the assignment ID from the "Rollout set-up" menu:
It looks like "0004CoHRChDj44qAJ7kR76FVkAVnlRS4EigIACAAAgAJAD05CYhz_bauIxw8Htn9MVB5Yrjj4hA93I4X5c5wwh9IGkAAAgojXYZss4ZHX4TwSHAPbFIikDjGHjnA0YTfcOhN4X8WMsRW4J57WKpp2sU3btBeZJ6bw1Aj0oL9KZ1JmJFuIAEQyLfNuQM="
I hope this helps you!3 -
Are you making two different options? One with ConfigID and one without?
Install TeamViewer Host
Write-Output "Installing TeamViewer Host..."#Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList "/i "$TeamViewerHost" /quiet /norestart" -Wait -NoNewWindow
Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList "/i "$TeamViewerHost" /quiet /norestart CUSTOMCONFIGID=$TeamViewerCustomConfigID" -Wait -NoNewWindow
I see the first one is commented out, but this can be confusing for someone who may not know what they are looking at
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I've tried your script and it's not fixing the issue:
First of all, this line needs to be fixed:
Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList "/i "$TeamViewerHost" /quiet /norestart CUSTOMCONFIGID=$TeamViewerCustomConfigID" -Wait -NoNewWindow
It still asks to "Accept and Finish" ("Zulassen und Fertig stellen")
Also, in my case it's not assigning the computer to the group and easy/unattended access also needs to be manually configured. What's going on?
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I don't want to step on @FlorianO93 's toes, but I feel like my script gets the job done a little better…
I'm using Intune, but the scripts can be used individually / manually too… go through it and let me know how it goes for you… I have TeamViewer installing silently and updating into the correct groups without any user input. So far, so good.
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I went back to using API Tokens without the "Managed Group Assignment". It works well for me using this:
$currentDirectory = Get-Location msiexec /i "$currentDirectory\TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn APITOKEN="API_TOKEN" CUSTOMCONFIGID="CFG_ID" ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--grant-easy-access"
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That's a new one for me bud… if it works for you, then keep doing it! Personally, I think creating multiple variables in a script only guarantees that you will have multiple scripts / prompts to use when running it for various situations… This may be fine for you, but I needed a way to do mass installs and only make minimal changes when updates occur.
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So that was just the solution that worked for me and I shared it :) I don't know which one is "better" or "more sensible", but it led me to my goal. 😚
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True. My clients are manageable as of now but I'll be coming back to this thread some day I believe 😂
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Huh, that's not good we get the popup like that… Which settings are you doing in the backend?
Our command in Intune is:
msiexec /i "TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn CUSTOMCONFIGID=<ID> APITOKEN=<API_TOKEN> ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--grant-easy-access"0 -
The above is my teamviewer host (choose your policy in the dropdown)
These are my commands in intune:
Install command powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\install_teamviewer.ps1
Uninstall command msiexec /x "{PRODUCT_ID}" /qn
install_teamviewer.ps1 has the above mentioned code in it. it's packed with intune prep tool.
$currentDirectory = Get-Location msiexec /i "$currentDirectory\TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn APITOKEN="API_TOKEN" CUSTOMCONFIGID="CFG_ID" ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--grant-easy-access"
prep tool:
.\IntuneWinAppUtil.exe -c path\to\source\ -s path\to\teamviewer_host.msi -o path\to\output\
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Hi @JeanK .
Regarding this.
I am getting the same behaviour, and I can assure you I am using /qn for the install.
And indeed, the install is silent and respecting the /qn switch, but when the customer opens the remote support app for the first time, that is when we see the prompt to confirm the company assignment.
Is there an option in the policy that can stop it from appearing?
Additionally, this used to work with the old script (using the API). It seems the new script behaves differently.
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More information.
I only get that additional window when I sign in as Local Admin and open the Host application.
I do not get it when I sign in as a standard domain user.
Interestingly, it says the machine has easy access for 5 managers - great.
It says it belongs to an organisation.
But it does not say it is assigned to an account.Is that normal?
I do seem to have easy access control to it, but I assumed it would be assigned to an account.
I'm using this method in the batch file:
"C:\Program Files\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe" assignment --id <MY_ID> --device-alias=%ComputerName%"0 -
For the next install/upgrade test, I added an extra restart, and also let the computer sit a bit longer.
The message did not display.
So, just wait a bit longer and you won't get it :)
We IT folk can be a bit impatient sometimes.
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I have packaged the custom module Host MSI that I downloaded from Teamviewer Full Desktop > Admin Settings > Custom Modules.
I packaged it as a Win32 Intune package along with a BAT file (command below), with my customconfigid and apitoken.
@echo off
start /wait MSIEXEC.EXE /i "%~dp0\TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn CUSTOMCONFIGID=[My_CustomConfig] APITOKEN=[My_APIToken] ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="—alias %COMPUTERNAME%_%USERNAME% --reassign --group UK-Computers" DESKTOPSHORTCUTS=0 AUTOACCEPT=1 /L*v C:\Temp\TVHostCompInstall.logIt installs fine, the config is listed in logs and is saved in the Teamviewer install folder (C:\Program Files\Teamviewer), but it does not appear in management console.
I need to terminate the running Teamviewer task on the device, re-run it with an account that has local admin privileges. The device then appears in my management console. This is the ONLY way I can get devices to appear in my console if I push out the app via Intune.
This is crazy stupid, Teamviewer please sort this out, it's literally been happening for years.