We released a new version of the Linux full version
Operating system: Linux
Version: 14.0.8346 (Full, Host)
Release date: 2018-10-23
New features and improvements in version 14.0
Change Log:
Custom Device Information
Add the information you need for your daily work to the devices in your Computers & Contacts list. Display details such as operating system, manufacturer, department, or any option you specify. Centrally configure the important fields for your company in the Management Console so your colleagues can enter the relevant information in the Computer & Contacts list.
Performance Increase for Low Bandwidth
On average, 1 out of 5 TeamViewer sessions runs on low bandwidth connections (<1Mbps). Our new version improves speed and reliability for our users running on those connections due to smart adaptive compression that auto-detects low bandwidth and adjusts compression.
Trusted Devices Management
Keep track of the devices and IP addresses that you have trusted. Administrators can also view all of the company's trusted devices and easily remove them in an emergency for maximum security.
And even more:
- Dark Mode
- Optimized for best performance in macOS Mojave
- Enhanced Connection Quality Through Distributed Login Handling
- New client design
- New iOS Screen Sharing Workflow