Want to enjoy your work and quickly find exactly what you need in the blink of an eye? Great! You’re only a few clicks away from that with TeamViewer 12.
When you get into the flow, you don’t want anything to slow you down.
Even a few extra clicks, or having to pause for a second to think about where to find a button or tool can be a serious pain.
Instead, you want to quickly – almost instinctively – find what you need to carry on with the task at hand.
Not only does this mean we can work more productively, but also get more enjoyment from what we’re doing.
Overhauled Desktop Client in TeamViewer 12
In TeamViewer 12 we can all benefit from a Simplified Client Interface that promotes focus, and working more intuitively with an overhauled, one-window interface.
It’s been through a rigorous design process, and thoroughly tested in usability trials.
We wanted to make sure it lives up to the ambition of simplifying and streamlining your experience in working with TeamViewer.
It’s also an optional design – you can view a preview and choose whether or not you want to activate it. Decide for yourself what works best for you!
Each and every one of us has a personal workflow and set of criteria that influences how we get on with the tools we use.
Eager to get up and running? Follow these steps!
How to Activate the New Simplified Client Interface
You can activate the new client interface with just six easy steps:
1. Start TeamViewer.
2. In the main menu, click Extras and choose Options
The Options Dialogue Box will open.
3. Select General.
4. Tick the box next to Use new user interface (Preview).

Click the “OK” button in the lower right hand corner.
Restart TeamViewer to apply the new interface setting.
You’re all set and done!
Let’s Get the Discussion Going
What are your thoughts on the new client interface in TeamViewer 12? Will you be testing it out?
Let’s get the discussion going in the comments section below!
Also, let me know, if you’ve got any questions about the new features.