Whether there is any possibility to integrate TeamViewer into any Windows GUI based aplication ?For example using AcitveX object ? Something like there is posibility to integrate AdobeReader into any Win32 application.
Any further news on automating this process? This is exactly the kind of process I need for my remote management system. 200 plus systems, will be purchasing a license if I can work out this to my satisfaction.
For the other hand I see other feature like this:https://www.teamviewer.com/en/help/91-gibt-es-aufrufparameter-fuer-teamviewer
But I see some problems with this features.
Just look to this two followed links:
But when I analyze this CMD features then I'm asking why I can not use feature like this:
teamviewer.exe -i <ID> --Password <Password> -m fileTransfer -rsource REMOTEPATH -ldest LOCALPATH
or like this:
teamviewer.exe -i <ID> --Password <Password> -m fileTransfer -lsource LOCALPATH -rdest REMOTEPATH
Case 1:Each month, once o two times (per month), I must to login to about 60 servers, download APP update, check backup, and make SQL base upgrade to new version of my clients CRM program.I'm doing this at night as my client do not want to stop work at usualy working time.
I'm trying to make some automation process that give me the possibility to:start , check, end connection and describe what was done.In this update time, there is almost always the same description and the sam things to do.
Case 2:There was other possibilities like automating FileTransfer, which was asking on the forum here:
Remark:It would be awesome to have possibility to completly embend TV into my own App.
But it would be enough to have only simple possibility like, function to:
For example:In TV API DOC There is chapter "URLs for connections with devices"
So I can use:https://start.teamviewer.com/<remotecontrol_id>
Ok. I can automate this and open even 20 concurent connections.But I need to get ID for each connection to check connection list and check each ConnectionNotes.
How I can get back rID to use it with :
PUT /api/v1/reports/connections/<rID>
I do not fully understand the need to integrate TeamViewer as an external component (legacy? COM?) In a Windows application, but if I would try to assess the ability to manage SESSIONS via API.A session should be equivalent to a request for assistance and a container for the connection (even more than one). Reserve a session, for a defined period of time, allows access to the hypothetical connecting channel between those who offer assistance and assisted; access keys to this channel are two, one for the server and the other for the client and are represented only by web link (VBA: maybe like start https: // ....)Each link activate TeamViewer client installed or discharges a flash mount version: authentication and permissions can be configured as usual. The use of sessions is the response given by TeamViewer to be integrated better with a owner Customer Service.Receive a request for assistance on your own service, and create a TeamViewer session via API to be forwarded by email to the customer. You can also manage the allocation of the same session to one of the assistant in your infrastructure: he will find automatically the available session by simply logging into his TeamViewer client.
Then again, maybe I have not quite understood your needs, but I would avoid to integrate TeamViewer as an external component and limit myself to link together my legacy application with TeamViewer client of my customer support.
Hope it can help.
@mLipok wrote: On second thought, I think that would be enough if the standalone TeamViewer APP gave the opportunity to exposure ActiveX control in order to check its status, making calls, management for comment in open session ...... btw.Here is related question:Call from VBA
On second thought, I think that would be enough if the standalone TeamViewer APP gave the opportunity to exposure ActiveX control in order to check its status, making calls, management for comment in open session ......
Here is related question:Call from VBA
I just found temporary solution:https://www.teamviewer.com/en/help/91-gibt-es-aufrufparameter-fuer-teamviewer
But ultimately, it is not a sufficient solution.
I know about this solution .This is not what I'm asking for.I need to embend TeamViewer engine into my own GUI.I'm asking for possibility to create my own "TVClient" using ActiveX component.
They do offer an API, Check this link out