How can I receive email alerts if the device is offline?
I don't see how to add a Windows device to the rules, it seems it only works with Linux?
Hello @fulvio_o and @theruckman,
We released the functionality of email/webhook offline/online alert. You will be alerted if any of your IoT devices has an issue, goes offline, or loses connectivity with the TeamViewer IoT Cloud. In less than a week there will be an option to select the timeframe for alert receiving. You can see more info on creating alert rules here:
Hi @theruckman
Thank you for your message.
We are planning to release this feature in Summer 2018. With this release, you will be able to configure alerts when devices are offline.
We will be happy to keep you posted on the release date of this feature, just contact us via our contact form at and we will be happy to add you to the recipients list of this announcement.
If you hav any additional questions, please feel free to get back to us anytime and we will be happy to assist you.
CAN You guys PLEASE PLEASE implement this feature ASAP? Knowing when a device is OFFLINE is WAY MORE important than knowing it is ONLINE! This seems like it would be a VERY EASY thing to implement? Every Monday I get texts and calls from clients who's device is offline and it would have been great if I knew this long before they got to the office.
Please let me/us know if this is hopefully something coming soon?
Scott Rucker
Hi @fulvio_o,
Thank you for the post!
For now we do not have this feature yet. I will forward it to our Product Management and inform when it is available.
Have a nice day!