
Parlee Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited April 2023 in Assist AR Forum

We are starting to use Pilot for remote troubleshooting. 

Is it possible to get some hints or higlights about the future of Pilot? 

For example: it would be very interested for us if it was possible to add text or an icon in the workspace

Actually: any hint about the future direction of Pilot can help us to use Pilot in the best way possible!


  • LeenRehawi


    Thank you very much for getting in touch!
    Using Pilot you can already add text to markers. This can be done from the desktop side. Just select a marker and add text to it then the text will appear on the remote side with the mobile. 
    I hope you understand that our roadmap in confidential, however, we will take feature requests into consideration! :) 

    Product owner
    Leen Rehawi