How can I export the chat with a client?


how can I export the chat with a client after a support seission?

We have to store that in the CRM and our Customer Care tool.



Best Answer


  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    HI Nico,

    Thanks for your question.

    In case you are talking about the chat within the session, you need to copy/paste the chat manually before closing the session.

    If you are chatting in the TeamViewer full version, the chat history is saved automatically.

    I hope the info helps you!


    Former Community Manager

  • Hi Esther,

    thank you for your fast response time. Appreciated. I´m using the Premium Desktop Version on Windows 10 and can´t find the place where Teamviewer stores the Chat. I need to copy/export that in a readable format like a text file or a csv file. Is that possible somehow? Or can I find the chats in a folder on my computer somewhere?



  • Is the "full version" with separate Chat same on both ends of a paid to free remote support session?

  • @Esther : Even in the Chat area, I can´t see the latest chats. Only some chats are displayed there. How can I get hold on all chats please?

    @cquirke: The remote side uses the free version, I use the paid version to control them.

  • cquirke
    cquirke Posts: 30

    I'm paid, other end is free, and during the support session we chat via the top-line UI. Trouble is, whenever TeamViewer loses the connection (by itself, or Internet connectivity drop, or target system crashes... common, that's why they usually need support) the chat is lost. This is maddening, as these chats are our log, and also record start and end times for billing.

    Please, persist these chats somewhere, at least on the "paid" end of the session!

  • cquirke
    cquirke Posts: 30

    I see the new UI now has a feature to save the Chat from the side panel - thank you for that feature! I haven't tested to see if this persists after the session is ended, though.