Retrieve chat session

I had a chat session with a client yesterday and have since signed off. Is it possible to retrieve that session?

Best Answer

  • cquirke
    cquirke Posts: 30
    Answer ✓

    I see the new UI now has a feature to save the Chat from the side panel - thank you for that feature!


  • bartlanz
    bartlanz Posts: 315

    The chat's that happen are only in the sesion from what I know. Unless it was with a TeamViewer Contact.

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    Bart Lanzillotti
  • The session was with a TeamViewer contact. How do I retrieve the chat thread?

  • cquirke
    cquirke Posts: 30

    There's confusion when searching these forums for "chat", especially between the "in-app chat" (wherever that is, dunno if it works with paid-to-free sessions) and "in-session chat", as asked about here.

    whenever anyone asks "how do I get my chat back?" the glib answer has always been "you cannot do that'.

    My own scenario: I'm paid, other end is free, and during the support session we chat via the top-line UI. Trouble is, whenever TeamViewer loses the connection (by itself, or Internet connectivity drop, or target system crashes... common, that's why they usually need support) the chat is lost. This is maddening, as these chats are our log, and also record start and end times for billing.

    Please, persist these chats somewhere, at least on the "paid" end of the session!

  • cquirke
    cquirke Posts: 30
    Answer ✓

    I see the new UI now has a feature to save the Chat from the side panel - thank you for that feature!