Automated end user client change to Teamviewer Host
We are a long term user of Teamviewer, it has been instrumental for work-from-home support. We are working to migrate user machines from an exisiting AD domain (disconnected) to Azure Active Directory remotely. Many of our machines have the full Teamviewer or the TeamviewerQS clients installed. Is there way to package a Teamviewer Host installation that will uninstall all exisiting clients then install TVHost (with the proper connections to our managed console)? We obviously cannot remove instances of TV while using the product. The removal of the machine from the domain and add to AAD scrambles the ID/code combo leaving us unable to connect to the machine and the user in limbo. We'd like to connect to the remote machine via whatever flavor of TV is installed, click off an installer which will disconnect the session while TVHost fully takes over allowing us back on.