Unable to control linux target due to wrong keycodes being transmitted

alt Posts: 1


I am using TeamViewer to remote control a linux system. I need to press a combination of keys (e.g. WIN-SHIFT-2). Locally that is working fine. Remotely via TeamViewer it does not work as the wrong keycode is submitted.

KeyPress event: keycode 133, state 0x0, Super_L
KeyRelease event: keycode 133, state 0x40, Super_L

Via TeamViewer:
KeyPress event: keycode 64, state 0x0, Alt_L
KeyRelease event: keycode 64, state 0x8, Alt_L

Please advise on how to solve this issue.



  • ChristianCay
    ChristianCay Posts: 182 [Former Staff]

    Dear Alt,

    Thank you for your post.

    Are you using the same layout on both systems?

    If you use Win key, shift plus a combination or 2 separately did you get the expected result?

    Let's check that out to see if there's a solution or if it's something that we need to inform developers.

    We are looking forward to your comments.


    Best regards,


    Did my reply answer your question? Accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks.
  • jcannan
    jcannan Posts: 4 ✭✭

    I think I have a similar issue. I have a linux target running windows virtual machines using VMWare player. When I try to use the shift key to type uppercase characters in the guest VM there is no keyboard input.

    My current workaround is to use sticky keys on the virtual machine which of course doesn't require combination keypresses. Very inconvenient though.

  • DanielStm
    DanielStm Posts: 224 Staff member 🤠

    @alt We will look into this. Is it Linux to Linux in your case?

    @jcannan your issue may be related, but i know from past experience, that it is one thing to get cross-platform keyboard handling right, and an extra layer of complexity to get it right if there is a VM running on the target machine... I can not  promise you a quick fix here.
    In general, if you want to do serious work on the VM, you're experience will most likely be better with a direct connection into the VM.

    Linux Developer
  • jcannan
    jcannan Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Thanks @alt it is Windows 10 to Linux

    Good point re the VM. I guess I could do two Team Viewer sessions to handle my VM issues. Just using apps outside of the VM as well.