Quick Support Installation


My company is producing medical devices and would like to include TeamViewer support. Specifically we would like to include the Team Viewer Quick Support program with our software - and have a few questions in this regard:

  1. Whitelistening - if we add TeamViewerQS.exe to our image (or provide an internet link to same) we run into a problem with our McAfee whitelistening. TeamViewerQS.exe is simply an installation program that unpacks a Team Viewer installation in the users temp folder - i.e. a .exe is added after the whitelistening.
  2. Pre-running the TeamViewerQS.exe - we can run the TeamViewerQS.exe installation program before maing our image. But here we experience that the unpacked TeamViewer.exe gets removed (at seemingly random times).

Are there anyway way to work around these two issues?

Tnaks in advance





  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @lekebjerg

    Thank you for your message and welcome to the TeamViewer Community! ?

    Unfortunately, if a third party software classifies us as being "not safe", there is, unfortunately, nothing we can do on our end to fix it. You will have in this case to contact McAfee directly so they can help you whitelisting the TeamViewerQS.exe.

    I hope this could help. ?

    Best regards


    Community Manager