Today, I am more than happy to present you with a case story from the company Sistemi in Italy, for which one of our Community members works.
I am sure you all know him from our Most helpful members chart on the front page, and you may have seen many of his very helpful posts and replies in our TeamViewer Community. Of course, I am talking about DomLan.
Let me just cite the case study for you, which gives some exciting insights into how Sistemi is using TeamViewer:
Efficiency and rapidly-delivered assistance are Sistemi’s by-words, thanks to an advanced and novel proprietor ticketing platform that incorporates TeamViewer for remote interventions.
Sistemi’s solutions relate to specific business sectors, including accountancy and tax experts, professional offices, Labour consultants, payroll professions, professional and sector colleges and associations, SMEs - which require a broad range of management systems of company protocols - and wine producers who need to manage a specific set of rules and standards in their reference sector. Sistemi has its own Partner network and Concessionaries so that it can work side-by-side with more than 30,000 users distributed over the whole Italian territory.
Sistemi needed to find a reliable solution, easy for the user to start up and especially lightweight from the systems point of view, i.e. not requiring the installation of complex components on the devices of users typically without any particular technological expertise.
Sistemi therefore identified TeamViewer as the best solution for remote assistance on users’ devices because of its ease of interaction and use even by non-expert interlocutors.
“Thanks to remote technical support using TeamViewer, we are in a position to intervene and assist in any part of Italy and this represents an advantage especially for those partners who operate in certain geographical areas”, says Claudio Demartini, Manager of the Information System and the Sistemi-Partner services.
“For example, since we started using TeamViewer we have seen that in Sardinia and Calabria our remote technical operations have increased exponentially, meaning we can serve users who otherwise would have been difficult to reach using the road system. With consequent savings in terms of time, costs and resources for our Partners”.
With TeamViewer, the remote assistance service reaches an average of 2000 connections every working day. 2016 saw half a million connections with an average of 28 minutes for each session.
From the technological point of view, Sistemi places security as the first among its strong points together with simplicity, stability of connection and each of configuration and customisation.
Who is Sistemi?
Sistemi is an Italian company that has been producing software for professionals and businesses for 40 years. Sistemi is a consolidated presence in the sector and has achieved a meaningful synergy between technological expertise, product quality flanked by good service and focalisation on the customer, with the provision of different solutions for different markets of reference.
What about you?
Do you also have an exclusive use case? Share your story with us in the comment section below.