Installing Team Viewer on corporate laptop to access my home computer

Hi there,

I was thinking about installing team viewer on the machine I got from my work, so that I can from time to time log in to my home machine when I want to do something on it while at work. I consider this being a personal use case, but I am not sure if it is the correct interpretation. I would be glad to find that out and be sure before I install it. What do you think?


  • any news?

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @Tokukarin 

    Thanks for your question.

    What you are describing is indeed a typical use case for commercial usage as it is a connection from your work computer. 

    The other way around: From your home computer to your work computer is also commercial. Basically every connection you make from or to your work computer requires a license.

    If this is the only connection you want to make, I recommend the new Remote Acces license for you. I´ll get you the link for more information:

    I hope this clarifies your question.

    Best, Esther

    Former Community Manager

  • bupviewer
    bupviewer Posts: 1
    edited December 2023


    this is from TeamViewer website:

    Example of direct payment:

    • a customer pays you for providing support 

    Examples of indirect payments:

    • a software company sells a software product for which it offers free support via TeamViewer
    • teamwork among colleagues within a company
    • use in associations and non-profit organizations 
    • access to a company computer for work-related activities

    In the above-mentioned cases for indirect payment, TeamViewer is used for creating an added value, the payment takes place indirectly through salaries or a combination of sales/support activities.

    So how exactly is the current case a "typical use case for commercial usage as it is a connection from your work computer."? Note the fouerth line in the indirect payments example: "access to a company computer for work-related activities"

    He is using Teamviewer to work on his personal projects in his home PC. So it does not seem to me like a commercial use case at all.

    So please TeamViewer, explain.