Best plan for multiple endpoints that can be connected by multiple access points


We have three computers at the endpoint (A, B, C). Multiple users (10 users) would like to connect with their personal computers. Each user should be able to connect to all three endpoint computers. However, they are only required to connect to one endpoint computer in a specific time frame. And each endpoint computer would only be connected by one user in a specific time frame. But all three endpoint computers should be independently accessed by three users in a time frame. Which plan would best fit our requirements?

Best Answer

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 6,991 Community Manager 🌍
    Answer ✓

    Hello @michael_123,

    If you have multiple users using TeamViewer, I'd recommend you to go for the Corporate license.

    Now, you need to define how many channels you need for your Corporate license.

    It will depend on how many users will connect simultaneously by using your license.

    If 3 users will connect simultaneously --> 3 channels are required

    If 4 users will connect simultaneously --> 4 channels are required

    📌The Corporate license comes with 3 channels.

    If you want our experts advice, you can also contact our sales team here:

    Community Manager


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 6,991 Community Manager 🌍
    Answer ✓

    Hello @michael_123,

    If you have multiple users using TeamViewer, I'd recommend you to go for the Corporate license.

    Now, you need to define how many channels you need for your Corporate license.

    It will depend on how many users will connect simultaneously by using your license.

    If 3 users will connect simultaneously --> 3 channels are required

    If 4 users will connect simultaneously --> 4 channels are required

    📌The Corporate license comes with 3 channels.

    If you want our experts advice, you can also contact our sales team here:

    Community Manager