Teamviewer for people with early alzheimers

Dear community, and Team Viewer.

So my mother in law has early Alzheimers, which of course is a terrible disease. One of the first things to go is being able to manage anything electronic, computers, cellphones, even the oven. Basically anything with a display on it. She has always had a knack for electronics, so we discovered quite fast that something was wrong.

However, now that she cant figure out to use any of the devices she has, its becoming increasingly more difficult for her to navigate an everyday life seeing as there is so much of it is depended on you navigating electronic devices. We are trying to explain to her how to do things over the phone, but it is at a stage now where that is impossible.

The solution for this would be for us to access her electronic devices remotely. You can off course do that using team viewer, but it is waaaay too complicated for her to use. It would have to be as simple as answering the phone for this to be able to work, which of course it is not (for security reasons).

Therefor I am asking this community, and team viewer to please look into this. This could help millions of lives and give back some dignity and power to the lives affected by this terrible disease. Is this something you have looked into in the past? Are there anyone out there who has the same problem, or know of any apps that can help with this?

Thank you for reading this


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  • Giovanni
    Giovanni Posts: 49 [Former Staff]
    edited December 2020

    Hi @Thor01988 ,

    thank you for your message.

    We also think that this topic is really important and that's why we have created a tool which will allow to you to be the eyes of the person on the remote side and you will be able to give your mother in law indications on what she have to do: this solution is called Pilot.

    With TeamViewer Pilot, you can connect to the remote phone, like it is a normal phone call, and have access to the camera so you will be able to see what your mother in law see and give her indications via voice (a VoiP call is established between your and her device) and also (and in particular) be able to put indicators to point out which operations she have to perform.

    Please take a look at this video so you will have an idea how Pilot works and most important test it with your mother in law!

    I hope that you like this solution. 😁

    Take care and have a nice day.

    Senior Enterprise Solutions Engineer

  • Hello Thor,

    I'm looking into the very same problem for my father in law. Here is what I intend to do : I've installed Teamvierwer host and teamviewer meeting for android on a tablet, which I intend to leave at his place. Using teamviewer on my pc, I can control his tablet from my place. Using a board app, I can display any message on his tablet, and even remotely launch teamviewer meeting without him doing anything. It requires the distant person to be a little tech savvy, but I think it'll work. So far, I've only tested it with my wife at home, but it seems to work.

    Don't hesitate to get in touch with me if you want more details.
