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Please make it possible to clear the Recent Connections list, and/or to remove individual connections from the list without deleting them from TeamViewer. Thank you.
One feature that needs to be added to Teamviewer is disabling HDR on connection. Now you can either just do this across the board for all systems or if possible have it only disable HDR if Teamviewer detects one of the parties doesn't have HDR. My 2023 gaming pc is connected to my main living room TV so if we are watching…
User-Story: As a remote assistant I'd like to switch between remote monitors bei a Keyboard-Shortcut, so that I can switch remote monitors efficiently, especially when I have only one local monitor available. Finding the other tab with the mouse beaks my workflow and is inconvenient.
Hi! I hope you all are doing well today :-). I tried TeamViewer through the web app because I was having technical difficulties with the desktop app at the time (long story), and I noticed that if I had the window set to use only the left half of my screen, an overlay would cover it saying that support is being worked on…
Hi, The Reboot button has recently been removed from the top tool bar for some reason. I and others use this button many times a day and it is a pain to have to go through the menus to reach it. Please put it back, or or even better, allow users to choose which buttons to display on the top tool bar. Thanks!!!
Please allow standard Windows users installing TeamViewer using the .EXE an option to disable automatically creating desktop shortcuts after software updates. Every time the TeamViewer Host or Full Client is auto-updated by the application, it creates a desktop shortcut. Users that do not want a shortcut of TeamViewer on…
Currently, when Host config is set to use Managed Groups, you will receive a prompt when running the Mass Deployment command line to install a Host client. As a large organization trying to deploy this to ~1000 devices via SCCM we need this to not prompt. This prevents Host deployment to unattended devices, requires a…
We'd like to create different rules / groups for our users but we figured out we can't realy apply the rules we want to define to the currently available ruleset. e.g. we'd like to have a group / rule for license-administrators that can only assign licenses and create / manage accounts and licenses. at the moment this…
Currently only owners of those custome-modules can delete them. It should be possible for every user that has the permission to the custom-module area. The way it currently works is forcing bigger companys to use generic accounts to maintenance those modules where personalised accounts would be better in terms of logging…
We'd love to have the possibility to edit user-groups the current account is assigned to. It should only be disallowed to edit the company administrator group or to remove it from a user, if he is the last user, having this group to prevent users from locking them out from their own environment. Currently for example we…
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