Show logged on user / last logged on user / user with most logons


I'm aware that this has been requested multiple times before, but it doesn't look like this has received enough traction. We are in desperate need to be able to see the logged on users or at least the last logged on user for all teamviewer hosts that are added to our account. At the moment we have to use separate software for inventorying that shows the user, but this is time-consuming and it would be best if this is integrated into the teamviewer console itself.

I know that a lot of your competitors have this functionality, but so far not even a hint of this coming to the regular teamviewer instance.

In a perfect world we would be able to see the logged on user and / or last logged on user / user with the most logons per computer in the computers & contacts list. This has so far been the only reason we're looking into alternative remote control software. This feature would really benefit tons of companies.

Any input?

13 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • making a move at our next renewal if this isn't resolved

  • Has there been any updates on this request?

  • This should have been done years ago, why has it not been done already?

    Really should have been a core part of the new remote support hosts we have just migrated too.

  • Is there anyway to do this at all? Seems like it should be core functionality

  • GschwindW
    GschwindW Posts: 1
    edited November 2024

    Is there an update for this request?