Please pay the license fee that our company does not use

TeknoIT Posts: 0
edited December 2020 in General questions

Due to the fact that our company declared concordat due to the economic crisis, we notified you that we will not use Teamviewer this year and to cancel our license on December 2, through the ticket number **Information removed as per Community Guidelines**.

However, despite our notification, you received payment from the registered credit card. Subsequently, the ticket number **Information removed as per Community Guidelines** was answered on December 6th.

Although we have sent the documents requested from us for the refund, you are making various excuses not to return them. In all leading software brands of the world (**Information removed as per Community Guidelines** etc.), the unused months are refunded. But you say that you cannot make a refund.

This is unacceptable and I will do my best to let everyone know about this unethical behaviour.