invalid password, please try again
- teamviewer free version
- New dell laptop with win 10 pro
- from any pc
- antivirus removal attempted
- attempted firewall deactivation
- attempted reinstallation
- attempted with execution only
- attempted refresh password
- attempted activation of personalized password
what else can i check?
Hi. I can't sign into my remote PC - first time I've has this problem. First it would not recognize the computer until my wife got home and "woke up" the sleeping computer. Now it states the remote PW I have entered is incorrect, but it's the one I have recorded and the one my wife states is on the screen. Now what?
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Hello @smtassini,
Are you connecting via an unattended access password (preset in the options) or via random password?
Community Manager
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I'm trying to connect via the saved computer I have in my group. worked fine earlier. now it's not. password is invalid. it wasn't 3 hours ago. I think ithe pc may have rebooted but why would my saved password it had me entered change?
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man. this place is helpful....can't find an answer to the same issue. other than uninstall and reinstall. what a bunch of trash this program is.
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I recommend setting up a new password in the saved computer.
You can change the password of the devices you have saved into your Computer & Contacts list, with the following procedure:
- Open TeamViewer
- Right-click on the device
- Select Properties
- Edit the password in the dedicated section
Also, make sure the password is correctly set in the options of the remote computer:
Under Extras --> Options --> Advanced --> under Advanced settings for connections to this computer --> Personal Password you can type in your password. After confirming it by repeating your chosen password, click OK
Community Manager