Version out of date (February 25, 2021)



  • Running 15.15.5 - but still locked out since upgrading

  • Hello,

    After upgrading app to the newest version I can't connect with my PC from mobile app. The same problems I have in the opposite direction, from PC to Android. Both of them (on PC and on Android) have highest aviable versions.

    What could be a reason of this behavior?

    Best gretings

  • sn50
    sn50 Posts: 4

    Same here. V 15.15.5.

    Unfortunately, I have no RDP alternative setup. :(

  • Same problem here

  • Same problem here

  • Started working now... has a fix been applied?

    I have just been round rebooting evertything on the LAN here, so maybe that was it?

  • Same here on 15.15.5

  • Same issue here!

    What about being able to connect for 5 minutes to the remote computer, in order to update it?

    I have issues connecting to support other people... not possible to have such a big bug in a well known product.

    Already evaluating alternatives...

  • Seems to be a common problem today for many users that updated the machines.. I think that Teamviewer need to Patch this, because we are forced by TV systems to update to the last version 15.15.5 !!!

  • Same here. Remote is MacOS, updated.

  • Same issue, reinstalled on both Windows and Linux, issue still not resolved.

  • Same here 15.15.5

  • Same here, running v15.15.5 on both ends and the error message says a version out of date!

  • Both sides are updated to 15.15.5, still unable to connect, prompt version problem.

  • AdiBarAdiBar
    AdiBarAdiBar Posts: 4
    edited February 2021

    I have a solution to the problem. just log out and log back in

  • Same issue today, versions on both side 15.15.5, can not connect!

  • FSLuser
    FSLuser Posts: 0
    edited February 2021

    When will this be resolved?

  • Irbis
    Irbis Posts: 0

    The same problem.

    Both sides is 15.15.5

    connecting PC to Mac

  • labridis
    labridis Posts: 2
    edited February 2021

    It has been resolved ten minutes ago

  • Is there a time line for resolving this issue?

  • Same here, this is the third post I see here about this issue and I hope it's not going to be deleted as the other two. Team Viewer, what the *bleep* are you doing?

  • Same here, this is the third post I see here about this issue and I hope it's not going to be deleted as the other two. Team Viewer, what the *bleep* are you doing?

  • I have the same issue

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    I had a quick chat with our devs. We are getting closer!

    It can´t take much longer until it´s all resolved! Thanks for your patience!!! And sorry for this!

    Former Community Manager

  • Has just now started working, even when connecting to an older version. Appears to have been a server-side problem.

  • I try to connect to another member, but on both sides TV asks to update the versions, and we just did on both sides, then restarted. The question stays and is mutual. No connection possible. Please help!

  • Same issue with version 15.15.5 on 25/2/21

    Both PC updated

    Downgrade to older version (Both PC's) doesn't fix teh problem , the same error (out of date remains)

  • I'm having the exact same issue.

    Upgraded both devices to 15.15.5 and still doesn't work.

    Tried downgrading the version I'm connecting from to an older version and that doesn't work either!!!

This discussion has been closed.