Version out of date (February 25, 2021)



  • same here..

    guess something went wrong with this update..

    we'll probably have to wait for the new update, which i really hope will come soon as this really comes on the most unfortunate timing ever.

  • Hello guys,

    I currently using Teamviewer on my 2 laptops on my desk and want one to remote control the other. Before it was fine but just now for some reason, I could not connect from this lap to the other or vice versa. I tried to fully remove, reset and re-install, then reset both the laps 2 times, even clean the disk while so but still got the same Error.

    Both of my Teamviewers' versions are 15.15.5 (32-bit) brand new installed.

    Any ideas on why?

  • Hello guys,

    I currently using Teamviewer on my 2 laptops on my desk and want one to remote control the other. Before it was fine but just now for some reason, I could not connect from this lap to the other or vice versa. I tried to fully remove, reset and re-install, then reset both the laps 2 times, even clean the disk while so but still got the same Error.

    Both of my Teamviewers' versions are 15.15.5 (32-bit) brand new installed.

    Any ideas on why?

  • Hi I have the same out of date issue with 15.15.5 on two Windows 10 clients. They both use the same latest version! Any ideas?

  • bonjour idem pour moi nouvelle version sur mes 3 pc je en peux me connecter a aucun version obsolète

    aucune possibilité d'utiliser TeamViewer😯

  • bonjour idem pour moi nouvelle version sur mes 3 pc je en peux me connecter a aucun version obsolète

    aucune possibilité d'utiliser TeamViewer😯

  • Same here. Both 15.15.5

  • same here

  • same same...

  • motzi
    motzi Posts: 0

    Same here. Used it the last time yesterday, received no warning... Have to change to another product from now on.

  • motzi
    motzi Posts: 0

    Same here. Used it the last time yesterday, received no warning... Have to change to another product from now on.

  • Same here.

    I saw an old post from 2019 with similar responses.

    Does this type of thing usually resolve quickly?

  • Hello,

    I have problem to connect to remote computer.

    My computer and remote computer have the same actual version - 15.15.5


  • Exact same issue here as well, kicked off all my connections and get the error message on all of them that Teamviewer is out of date (it isn't).

    Problem with service?

  • Same problem. Version 15.15.5

  • Same problem here

  • Same problem here

  • Same issue here with 15.5.5 free license on both Windows 10 rebooted...same issue. Come on guys you can do better!

  • This is clearly a new (or returned) teamviewer issue in recent days.

    My desktop (viewer) and one laptop 1 were 15.14.5 and working fine a few days ago

    laptop 2 was an older version. Got the "old version" message,

    updated laptop 2 to 15.15.5

    Same message

    Closed all TV via task manager, restarted

    Same message

    Updated desktop to 15.5.5, restarted


    Desktop and laptop 2 have 15.5.5

    Laptop 2 has 15.14.5

    Desktop to both laptops report that laptops have old versions

    I suggest 15.5.5 is broken?

  • Same problem here over three Win10 computers.

  • Hi,

    same here -> both hosts on the latest 15.5.5 both W10 and error related to version mismatch...


  • evowing
    evowing Posts: 2
    edited February 2021

    You also seem to have broken the system.... Teamviewer now reports :

    whenever trying to connect.

    Latest version is installed on both local and remote systems.

    It worked yesterday when when installed version was15.14.??

    HELP Please.

  • Having the same issues. All up to date and still no joy.

  • us1r
    us1r Posts: 1

    i have the same issue, i followed all the available recommendations but it still not working

  • Arcao
    Arcao Posts: 0

    Same here, version 15.15.5 on both sides. It looks like this version is broken.

    2021/02/25 11:54:22.173 21708 23820 G1 Trying connection to xxxREDACTEDxxx, mode = 1
    2021/02/25 11:54:22.193 21708 10184 G1 CParticipantManagerBase::SetMyParticipantIdentifier(): pid=[xxxREDACTEDxxx,-857092850]
    2021/02/25 11:54:22.194 21028 22936 S0 CParticipantManagerBase::SetMyParticipantIdentifier(): pid=[xxxREDACTEDxxx,-857092850]
    2021/02/25 11:54:22.194 21028 22936 S0 CreateClassicSession::Start: RequestRoute request BCommand: RequestRouteRequestDataControlID= ConnectionMode=1 ActionId=0 LicensedRemoteAccessType=0 ClientType=TV TargetId=xxxREDACTEDxxx PartnerBuddyId=0 RAApiData=00000000 RAApiKey=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 TVVersion:15.15.5 MID:v3544433532314833334b4b4832314435dc71966a6ff8e9b4f0a4b69a311a64ef004b9da4eb03<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0dd0c5b4e712d7cef7750d93b4e6b006 ClientId:xxxREDACTEDxxx PreferredRouter: TerminalServerUserId:0 SourceId:xxxREDACTEDxxx|DisplayName:Arcao SmartAccessData Access=0 Account=0 TargetBuddy=0 PaswwordMD5HashB64Enc= SessionSecret=00000000 SessionId=0 LicenseCode= SupportsLimiter=1 CBFeatures=[UseCaseCB_MVP]
    2021/02/25 11:54:22.298 21028 6480 S0 SecureNetworkConnection::SendCallbackHandler(): [ remoteID: 1580632029 connection: 968727495 remoteConnection: 3638502971 ], Error: SecureNetwork (Connection not found)
    2021/02/25 11:54:22.299 21028 6480 S0 RetryHandle::HandleRetry(): Trying resend to 69 failed with error SecureNetwork:7, retrying (2 retries remaining) BCmd: CC=0 CT=0
    2021/02/25 11:54:22.501 21028 22936 S0 CreateClassicSession::HandleRequestRouteResponse(): Response: NOROUTE_LicenseNeeded@RouterIp= Timeout=0 TranserRate=0 ActionId=0 PassiveUserId=0 UsedLicenseType=0 IsClientReportingStatistics=0 TimeoutMessage=0 LimitedStreamTypes=0 StreamBandwidth=0 StreamLimitString= LicenseFeatureSetActive=[Uninitialized] LicenseFeatureSetPassive=[Uninitialized] DomainName= BlockZoneRemainingTime=0 PassiveUserPublicKey=00000000 CommercialBlockerOffender=Unknown NoSessionMessages
    2021/02/25 11:54:22.501 21028 22936 S0 SessionControl::TerminateSession: Termination before establishing the Remote Session
    2021/02/25 11:54:22.501 21708 1876 G1!! LoginOutgoing: ConnectFinished - error: LicenseNeeded
  • All new features and fixes sound great but....

    It no longer works!


  • When I click "learn how to update" it takes me to a page that won't load.

This discussion has been closed.