Force TV to use 5938

lefodnes Posts: 1
edited March 2021 in General questions

I have a fleet of computers running Teamviewer version 13.2.14327 on Windows 10 with disk write protection. The TV client connects outbound on port 443, even though port 5938 is available. Checked this with "netstat -aon | find [PIDforTeamviewer]".

My goal is to block all other ports than 5938, but this blocks Teamviewer, and it doesn't try to open TCP port 5938.

I tried to do a telnet on port 5938 (the neighbour Surface pro behind the same NAT router) and it got connected. So Windows FW is not blocking Teamviewer from connecting to port 5938

Any hints? I don't dare to disable the disk write protection, but I'm afraid a lot of updates will be downloaded and give other problems.