Mobile Device Support AddOn

I am functioning on a free license. How can I get the Mobile Device Support AddOn to facilitate teamviewer remote connection with mobile devices??

Thanks. J. Cook


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @SeniorsCompute,

    The Mobile Device Support AddOn is only available if you already purchase a Business, Premium, Corporate or Tensor license.

    More info here:

    Community Manager

  • DigitalPaul
    DigitalPaul Posts: 2
    edited November 2023

    Be very careful with the purchase of Mobile Device Support. TeamViewer has a complicated (and unethical) hold on paid accounts. First Mobile Device Support IS NOT REMOTE CONTROL, in fact this is barely support at all if you're working with Apple devices. 2nd, there are obstacles that are put in place once you have the service so that you cannot remove it, and [removed per Community Guidelines], it's an expensive item to add on just to find out that it doesn't work. [removed per Community Guidelines] Apple has the remote access features blocked, and even TeamViewer can't get around that.

  • GeriNeldo
    GeriNeldo Posts: 2
    edited November 2023

    Hi Paul,

    I have just bought online TeamViewer Remote Access [removed per Community Guidelines], to find out that it can not connect to my tablet (Android) I was connecting previously with the free license.

    And I am prompted to buy the Mobile Device Support AddOn, which on one side it tells me that can't be bought on line, and on the other it does not state the price of it. Moreover , looking at the specs of TeamViewer Remote Access vs TeamViewer Business not even clear whether it would actually support it.

    So far I was happy with the free license to get access to this tablet from time to time. The reason for purchasing that license is the need to access a TCL Google TV, that my parents will be using in a nursing home, in order to help them when the get stucked. I have not been able to have the thing working, beyond getting access to the tv screen but not being able to access mouse, etc.

    I have tried other choices like **Third Party Product** etc, but no success with them.

    Any advice from your side?
