Can not access online account

it4music Posts: 1
edited March 2021 in General questions

I have been locked out of my online account. There is no telephone support and you can submit a ticket with out authorizing the system. You can't even post anything on this forum without the computer being authorized. I had to make another account, just to post this. I think this is ridiculous! I have two machines that are authorized for the Teamview app, but there's still no way for me to get in to authorized on another device.

I've tried resending the authorization multiple times and I've checked my SPAM folders on the email client as well as the web interface. It's not there.

I'm paying for this and I'm not able to use it completely.

If someone from Teamviewer can help, that would be great.


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,078 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @it4music,

    We recommend you to call us directly.

    If your license does not include phone support, our team will help you to open a ticket.

    Community Manager