Cannot login into Teamviewer - connection to server timed out
Hello. I have reinstalled latest Teamviewer version, x64. Now I try to login, but I get a message:
"Sign In request failed! The server did not respond"
I am using a program with commercial license.
Is there any problem with TeamViewer server?
I found such messages in log file:
2021/05/07 14:53:24.650 22364 13024 G8! ClientWebAPI: failed to start accept server on port 37014: Accept server could not be started: bind: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted
2021/05/07 14:53:24.651 22364 13024 G8!!!CAcceptServer::CreateAcceptServer():, Caught boost::system::system_error exception: bind: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted
2021/05/07 14:53:24.651 22364 13024 G8! ClientWebAPI: failed to start accept server on port 37114: Accept server could not be started: bind: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted
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Former Community Manager
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Yes, It is fine now. Just had to Exit and re-open TeamViewer couple times. After that I was able to login.
Anyway, TeamViewer is not pretty stable today, as it was used to be before.