Teamviewer Linux not working with Kodi 19


I installed teamviewer for Linux PC x64 and activated unattended mode. It works great when login in to a normal DE (Plasma5, Gnome, LXQT) except when I run Kodi at login, I get a teamviewer window and can´t minimize.

Steps to reproduce

1.- Install Kodi 19 and reboot

2.- At Login prompt change your DE Session to Kodi to boot directly to Kodi-

I get the teamviewer window on top of Kodi´s screen and cannot minimize it, sometimes the window appears when trying to remote control and I never get the screen. I also got a small screen about the notifier service not being available or something.

This same issue I got when using xfreerdp with autologin directly to xfreerdp as my thinclient to my terminal server.

The only way for me is to use X11VNC server.

It would be great that teamviewer would also work with these configurations.

Is therea way to run it with no splas / no gui switch and where should I modify this?

