Block Teamviewer file transfer via registry

Hi there,

We love using Teamviewer but we have an issue with the File transfer capability and we want to block this via registry or possibly via GPO (but I can't find any ADMX files for it)

I've looked in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ for a Temviewer folder but there is none there.

Then I found keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\TeamViewer, but none of them have names that suggest we can block file transfer using them..

Then I found an article which suggests we can block them using registry keys, but none of these keys below exist on system (there is no HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TeamViewer folder on the machine running Teamviewer)







My questions are:

  1. Can File Transfers be blocked now?
  2. Do I need to upgrade to the commercial version of Teamviewer to get the reg keys above which block file transfer?
  3. Which keys do I need to set (and how) to block file transfer?

Thanks for reading


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