Error message: Not ready. Please check your connection

dataroomcomputer Posts: 2
edited July 2021 in General questions

Hi Support,


We bought commercial license for Team Viewer 15 on April 05, 2021. Up until yesterday, we were not having any problem using the app. Since this morning, we are seeing the error at the bottom of the screen of the TeamViewer app:

Not ready. Please check your connection.

Please see more detailed message in the attached image file (stating that it is not being able to connect to the proxy server). We exited the app and reopened it, rebooted the computer, checked with our IT department (that outbound port 5938 for both TCP and UDP protocols is open) about the port but of no avail.

Please help.


Minesense Support Desk


  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,751 Moderator

    Hi @dataroomcomputer,

    Thank you for reaching out to us and welcome to TeamViewer Community.

    As shown in the screenshot message, kindly check your setting on TeamViewer client and make sure that TeamViewer can connect to TeamViewer server please. For further information about TeamViewer network settings, feel free to contact TeamViewer Support Team for more discussion.

    Warm regards,

    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员
  • Hi, thanks for your response.

    As I have mentioned in my email: We exited the app and reopened it, rebooted the computer, checked with our IT department (that outbound port 5938 for both TCP and UDP protocols is open) about the port but of no avail.

    Question is, is there any test to ensure that using TeamViewer desktop app (aka, TV client) we are successfully connecting the TeamViewer Server?


    Minesense Support Desk