Dnf complains about "failovermethod=priority" on the repository definition

zehph Posts: 10 ✭✭

Just pointing out that I had to comment this line on the teamviewer.repo file since dnf was refusing to pull any cache from it without this modification. It seems like this was being treated with just warnings in the past, but I recently installed Fedora 34 on a machine and had this happen, they have been phasing it out since 2018 see: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1653831. Please correct repository configuration for modern Fedora versions in which yum is just a symlink to dnf since it already handles URLs according the intent of this deprecated config option.

Here is the output of sudo dnf upgrade -y(in portuguese):

Valor de configuração inválido: failovermethod=priority em /etc/yum.repos.d/teamviewer.repo; \
Configuração: OptionBinding com id "failovermethod" não existe

The message is basically: Invalid config parameter: failovermethod=priority ..... "failovermethod" doesn't exist.

Here is the output after commenting the aforementioned line:

TeamViewer - x86_64                                                 370  B/s | 867  B     00:02
Dependências resolvidas.