this is not

박종록 Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited July 2021 in General questions

I am a person who likes Germany very much

 And teamviewer is good and I use it well.

 but this is wrong

Please review the following 

 1. First 

  1 x TeamViewer 10 Business  

  license number: (please do not post any private information)

==> I bought this license but had to buy it again after using it for a while

 2. Second

   I made a purchase on the Teamviewer website on a yearly contract.

 ==> I wanted to use it for one year only but it was still being billed through 2020

 3) Third

   I have an annual purchase contract for 3 years in a row from a selling company in Korea.

==> Version 10 is no longer supported, a message is displayed saying that the time has expired.

 *) I spoke to a Korean woman living in Australia about the above issue.

"I paid twice and asked, "Isn't that too unfair?" The reply came back saying there was no legal problem.

It now says timeout and is forcibly blocked.

I'm sending you an email because it seems like you're not doing your best for your customers.


