Unable to start meeting. It says meeting ID is wrong. Any idea?

Nirja Posts: 1
edited April 2023 in Meeting Forum

How do I start or join a meeting?


  • Justin
    Justin Posts: 802 [Former Staff]

    Hello @Nirja,

    Thank you for your message.

    In the following, I will explain to you how to start and join a TeamViewer Meeting.


    To start a meeting, you simply need to press "Start Meeting" on the first page of the TeamViewer Meeting application:

    A preview screen will pop up afterward:

    You have successfully started a meeting and this screen will show up, with your TeamViewer Meeting ID ready to share right where the red outline is:


    To join a TeamViewer Meeting, you can check out our article regarding that:

    I hope I could help you with this.



    German Community Moderator