Auto account assign doesn't work on TV12 Host MSI



  • designworks
    designworks Posts: 17 ✭✭

    So I rang support and I got some help and long story short, I didn't solve this issue of the json file not being created, mainly because it doesn't effect Host upgrades that are already previously assigned to an account which was my primary concern. 

    That and I haven't had issues with fresh installs of TeamViewer on a fresh install of Windows.

    Out of all of this though, it would appear that its not currently possible to automate the assignment of a customised Host to a different account than what has been previously deployed. I would like to change the assignment of existing Hosts but this currently does not seem possible as the JSON file isn't created when upgrading to v12 to allow auto assignment. 

    I haven't opened a case for this yet as its not a priority right now. Hopefully we can solve this here on the forum so others can benefit too. I will start another thread for this issue though.


  • Rahul
    Rahul Posts: 4 [Former Staff]


    I'm happy that things worked out.

    It is currently only possible to change the assignment of an existing Host in an automated way by reinstalling the Host with a different configuration ID (idcXXXXXX). That is required since the custom Host is bound to the account that created it and it always gets assigned to this account.

    To change the assignment you need to uninstall the Host. You can keep all the settings but you have to delete two registry values:
    After the Host in uninstalled and the values are deleted, you can install the new custom Host with the new ConfigurationID. Once the TeamViewer Host is reinstalled, a new AssignmentData.json file is created and you can run the assignment tool again.


    Best regards

  • Benjamin_fr
    Benjamin_fr Posts: 1


    First, thank you for your explanations.

    But, I am not sure i understood well. 

    Is there any possibilities to make the auto assignation with a MSI full version (not the host) ?

    Thank you for your reply.

  • Dzionizz
    Dzionizz Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Same problem here :(
    after testing: instaled MSI with config is good. have paswords i need and so on. but after i try to auto assign it there is nothing hapening, maybe i do something wrong?

    i go to start>run.exe and there tipe:
    C:\tv\TeamViewer_Assignment.exe -apitoken 0000000-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxx -datafile “C:\Program Files (x86)\AssignmentData.json"

    and then just see black table with Teamviewer_assigment <r341> and some dot coming.......... going after that nothing hapening and not assigned to my account :/

    Can anyone help me?

  • Dzionizz
    Dzionizz Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Problem solved made some mistakes in my cdm line :)

    Posting good CMD line for everyone else:
    start>RUN CMD in admin right> paste this with your API token and good directions of your main file:
    C:\tv\TeamViewer_Assignment.exe -apitoken 1234567-abcdefgehijklmn -allowEasyAccess=false -datafile ${ProgramFiles(x86)}\TeamViewer\AssignmentData.json

    Good luck

  • RogerH
    RogerH Posts: 12 ✭✭

    Hi everyone.

    I'm really glad i found this topic, as I've really been struggling with creating an installer package that will both upgrade existing v11 Hosts and also installing new v12 hosts (with auto account assignment). Upgrading v11 hosts to v12 is 'easy' as long as you don't want to change account assignments for hosts already assigned to an account.

    Once I remembered all the steps involved with setting up an automatid installer for v11 host, and added the auto account assignment for v12, I have (it seems) been able to make a single package that upgrades v11 hosts, and also installs v12 on new hosts with auto account assignment and Easy Access enabled. I'd like to share this in case it helps others, and also so others can confirm I haven't done anything 'the wrong way'.

    The way I did it was as such (using the existing Policy, Groups and SCP settings in Active Directory) -

    1. Upgraded my V11 modules for host to v12, and edited the definition to enable Auto Account Assignment (you need to do this step as Company Administrator account)
    2. Save the Host definition, and this will show the API token. Take note of this token, as well as the Configuration ID. Click Download MSI link to download the updated MSI package
    3. Once I have the updated MSI file, I rename the TeamViewer_Host.MSI file to include the idc<Confguration ID> option (for example TeamViewer_Host-idcabc1234.MSI - where abc1234 would be the Configuation ID)
    4. I use this MSI file to install TeamViewer host v12 on my test machine
    5. Logged in on my test machine as Adminstrator account, I open TeamViewer options for the host, and setup unattended access password, as well as any other settings I want as standard
    6. in TeamViewer Options, I select Advanced > Show Advanced Options and set all options I went as standard there as well.
    7. I then export the options to  TeamViewer_Settings.reg file (in same folder as the MSI file), ensuring that I re-enter the Unattended Access password, for 'personal password' (if I did not re-enter the Unattended Access password at this stage, then later, after Auto Account Assignment, it would still ask me to setup Unattended Access password)
    8. I download the TeamViewer_Assignment.exe file and include it in the same folder as the MSI and .REG files, and use these three files to create an SCCM PAckage (I use SCCM to deploy software). I use the following 2 commands (in order) to install the v12 host AND auto assign account -
      start /wait msiexec /i "TeamViewer_Host-idcabc1234.msi" /q
      start /wait TeamViewer_Assignment.exe -apitoken 1234567-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX -datafile "${ProgramFiles(x86)}\TeamViewer\AssignmentData.json" -allowEasyAccess=true -wait=10 -verbose
    9. I use start /wait to ensure that each step is complete, before the next command starts
    10. So far, the above process has proven successful for me, and existing v11 hosts re updated to v12 (and keeping their account assignment and settings) and new computers get the v12 host installed with automatic account assingment and (most importantly) Easy Access is enabled and Unattended Access password is correctly set


  • RogerH
    RogerH Posts: 12 ✭✭

    One thing I forgot to add, which was originally causing me issues with testing, is that if you want to use a computer that already has v11 Host installed for testing a 'clean install' of v12, or need to re-test the install of v12 after making changes (for example to the .REG file or install command), then you need to do the following to properly uninstall the host and remove from TeamViewer Management Console -

    1. Uninstall TeamViewer from Programs / Features (select the option to Remove Settings if prompted) 
    2. Uninstall TeamViewer Wrapper from Programs / Features
    3. Remove the ENTIRE TeamViewer key from registry at -
    4. Delete the following folder (if it still exists) -
      C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer  - OR -
      C:\Program Files\TeamViewer
    5. Login to TeamViewer Management Console and delete the computer

    The above steps should mean that the next install (and Auto Account Assignment) of v12 host on this computer will be treated as if this computer never had TeamViewer installed, and you an add it to any account you choose with the Automatic Account Assignment tool.

  • RogerH
    RogerH Posts: 12 ✭✭

    I'm sad to say that I am UNABLE to reliably reproduce my initial success...

    The latest issue I am seeing is that machines that have never had v11 host installed (or any other host) are bein assigned to the correct account, but are not having hte Policy assigned and are NOT having Easy Access enabled. I have to login to TeamViewer Console as Company Admin and assign a policy to these mchines, and then I need to login on those machines as an administrator and enable easy access.

    In addition, on these machines, I notice that there is no AssignmentData.json file, which is possibly why the Automated Account Assignment did not work properly.

    I understand that when I install TeamViewer v11 on a machine and then upgrade it to v12, the AssignmentData.json file is NOT present, and therefore the TeamViewer_Assignment.exe tool fails. However the forums seem to indicate that if I install v12 on a machine (using the MSI file) that has never had TeamViewer installed, that the AssignmentData.json file will be created and then the TeamViewer_Assignment.exe tool should work. This does not seem to be true unfortunately.

    More frustating is the fact that sometimes when building machines, and including the v12 host (TeamViewer_Assignment.exe tool) in the automated build process, it DOES work fine.

    PLEASE can someone from TeamViewer let us know -

    - when AssignmentData.json file WILL be auto created and when it will NOT be auto created

    - is there a way we can create AssignmentData.json file AFTER installing TeamViewer host v12 (seeing as copying this file from another compuetr does not work)

    I'd also recommend that the documentation that accompanies the TeamViewer_Assignment.exe tool be updated properly to cover the above topics, seeing as the tool is SO reliant on this file existing, and the only time it mentions it is to say it's a required file

  • Sybreeder
    Sybreeder Posts: 9 ✭✭

    In my case it sometimes work..sometimes doesn't

    For example i just installed remotely TV12 on laptop with assignment and it didn't work.

    It did installed but it didn't assigned to the account.

    I just have enough of this.

    This is my config:
    msiexec /quiet /i TeamViewer_Host-xxxx.msi /norestart >>c:\temp\logs\tv_uninstal.txt
    TeamViewer_Assignment.exe -apitoken xxxxxx -datafile "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\AssignmentData.json" -devicealias %computername% -wait=10 -verbose msiexec /quiet /i TeamViewer_Host-xxxx.msi /norestart >>c:\temp\logs\tv_uninstal.txt

    Am i doing something wrong or something ?

  • RogerH
    RogerH Posts: 12 ✭✭

    @Sybreeder - it seems that you are having the same issue as I am (and many others) in that the TV Account Assignment is not working as it should, reliably. As it seems to be so unpredictable, I have not been able to reliably get it to work or fail, and therefore, I find it impossible to properly troubleshoot. In addition the documentation on this is EXTREMELY limited, so we are at the mercy of TeamViewer providing us with information that we can use to get this working, because doing things as detailed in their limited documentation is not sufficient to get this working reaialbly enough to roll this out to a large environment.

    I gave up trying to use auto account assignment a while ago, but it seems to me like your config is correct. Are you using TeamViewer in an Active Directory environment? If so, have you configured the SCP for the approved TeamViewer Configuration IDs ? As far as I know, this is still necessary, but then as the documention is limited, I am not sure if SCP works with or against auto account assignment.

  • Sybreeder
    Sybreeder Posts: 9 ✭✭

    Yeah that's encouraging :smileyhappy:

    I did add TV to AD throuh that PS1 that was included so..yeah :D

  • ChrisMichetti
    ChrisMichetti Posts: 1

    This is what I did, I was encountering the same "file not found" garbage.  Just copied the assignment tool into the folder with the json file and ran it from there.  The issue is something to do with the path having a space in it (program files (x86)).


    msiexec.exe /i TeamViewer_Host-idcXXXXXXX.msi /qn
    copy .\TeamViewer_Assignment.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer"
    cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer"
    .\TeamViewer_Assignment.exe -apitoken XXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -allowEasyAccess=true -datafile .\AssignmentData.json



  • JohnMerritt
    JohnMerritt Posts: 1


    Can someone from Teamviewer actually get this sorted? I am having the same issue so it seems you have several of your clients with the same issue and very little being done to resolve the issue. 

    The process to activate clients is to be blunt "horrible" and not by any means an Enterprise solution. We also use SCCM and its impossible to deploy this software to our machines and activate it using these methods.

    I have never had so much trouble trying to get an applcation to work. Its very frustrating. After ignoring the the issues with Teamviewer for 2 months I have had to get back into it to see if I could get it working after the initial failure. After 48 wasted hours I have only just managed to get the activation to find a JSON file and use the tool.

    The issues I have and others seem to have

    • The assignment tool cannot handle a path to find the JSON file when it has spaces even if the path is in quotes. If you place the JSON file and assignment tool in the same folder it works as someone else mentioned.
    • Assignment tool needs to be replaced (its horrible and not something thats deployable in a correctly setup enterprise environment.
    • JSON file doesnt always get created from the installer created fro the Admin console, its taken me no less than 5 attempts at creating the host file to get one that works. I used the exact same settings as the other attempts
    • The documenation is horrible and thats the best way I can describe it
    • the Team viewer application still displays its running in FREE mode (right click on app, select About), is this right?

    Whilst we are listing annoyances

    • The active directory sync powershell script is horrible, why hasn't an application been created that syncs to AD? It took a week for your engineers to help me get 3 users to sync into the admin console, it would have been quicker to manually add them, it shouldn't be this hard.

    We have had Teamviewer since Dec 2016 and we still have not rolled it out to staff as its impossible to get it running in a 100% reliable unattended manner.

     Who do I contact to get a refund?

  • semcr
    semcr Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Here the same issue.

    Followed the procedures found in the documentation PDF's, but same result: the autoassignment json is not present. Not for machines who are having the Version 8 already installed and not for brand new installed machines.

    We are testing the installation with SCCM Current Branch 1610..

  • RogerH
    RogerH Posts: 12 ✭✭

    It's not the version of SCCM you are using that is causing any issues, but rather a non functioning auto account assignment tool.

  • Sybreeder
    Sybreeder Posts: 9 ✭✭

    this is my current configuration

    It seems to be working.Try it.

    md c:\temp\logs
    net stop teamviewer >>c:\temp\logs\tv_stop.txt
    taskkill /IM tv_x64.exe /F >>c:\temp\logs\tv_stop.txt
    taskkill /IM tv_w32.exe /F >>c:\temp\logs\tv_stop.txt
    taskkill /IM Teamviewer.exe /F >>c:\temp\logs\tv_stop.txt

    wmic product where "name like 'TeamViewer%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive >>c:\temp\logs\tv_uninstall.txt
    rem msiexec /quiet /i TeamViewer_Host-xxxx.msi /norestart >>c:\temp\logs\tv_install.txt
    rem copy TeamViewer_Settings.reg "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\"
    md c:\temp\TV_install
    copy * "c:\temp\TV_install"
    rem msiexec /quiet /i c:\temp\TV_install\TeamViewer_Host-xxxx.msi /norestart /limwe c:\temp\logs\tv_install.txt

    regedit.exe /S "c:\temp\TV_install\TeamViewer_Settings.reg"
    c:\temp\TV_install\TeamViewer_Host_Setup.exe /MSI /S /IDC=xxxx /D=c:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\

    TeamViewer_Assignment.exe -apitoken xxxxx -datafile "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\AssignmentData.json" -devicealias %computername% -wait=10 -verbose >>c:\temp\logs\tv_assign.txt
    rd /s /q c:\temp\TV_install >>c:\temp\logs\tv_install.txt
  • semcr
    semcr Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Hi Sybreeder,

    Can you show me your registry settings file? I've tried to configure the unattended password by using the Teamviewer console, but applying those keys to another computer is not working...

  • RogerH
    RogerH Posts: 12 ✭✭

    One thing to remember when exporting registry settings (which is not clearly documented, as far as I can remember) is that if you want to save the unattended password 9also known as personal password), you need to actually type it in as part of the process of saving the registry settings. After you selected Export settings to .reg file and enter the name of the .REG file, you are presented with a popup asking what to export. You need to select the option for 'Export Personal Password' and then enter the Personal (Unattended) Password you want to use. NOTE - when you select the option 'Export Personal Password', the text boxes below this option still look like they are greyed out and not available - simply click in the text boxes with the mouse and type the password.



  • Jeff82
    Jeff82 Posts: 2 ✭✭

    I had the same issue while testing my deployement on a test computer multiple times.

    First you need to delete the computer from your management console.

    Then you uninstall the client software on that computer.

    After you need to delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\TeamViewer (I delete whole keys, faster)

    AND be sure to put a wait on your TeamViewer_Assignment.exe command. The default is not long enough sometimes. Mine is 30sec and i have no more issues with the File not found error.


  • Staj
    Staj Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Another Corporate user here, we use SCCM, MSIs and SCP (at least, we try to)

    I must admit, I'm tired of this flaky non-standard feature too. Not sure why MSI public and private properties aren't used to pass parameters during install, that's the standard way of doing such things when it comes to MSIs. Transforms (MST) would be swell too. 

    Note:This command is not real, it's just an example of how properties are used.

    msiexec.exe /i "TeamViewer_Host.msi" CONFIGID="1234567" DEVICEALIAS="Corp Machine X"

    -instead I have yet another Scripted Deployment Type I have to babysit in SCCM with a wrapper script to ensure it gets pushed out correctly.

  • Jeff82
    Jeff82 Posts: 2 ✭✭

    When you Assign a computer to a group, for example group A. If you assign the same computer on a next deployment to group B, the computer still visible in group A in the management console and is not showing in group B. Plus, if you have  a strategy enabled for group A, when assigned to group B, the comptuer still had group A strategy and not the group B strategy like it should be.

    Why the computer is not moving to the new group with the right strategy? It's look like a bug. If i redeploy hundreds of computers, i dont want to manage them one by one to find in what old group they are and move them to the right new group that it should be.

  • W_deFazio
    W_deFazio Posts: 22 Staff member 🤠

    Hello Everyone,

    Thank you for your posts.

    Let's keep in mind that each situation, network and setups are different, but here is some information to help you with your deployment.

    Before you deploy TeamViewer 12 via MSI package, there is a few things to look out for.

    The first thing would be, when creating the package for a mass deploy to machines that are part of the domain, do you want to have the "Grant Easy Access" option with the deployment? 

    If your answer is NO, then you don't need to use the "Assignment_Tool.exe", neither have to worry about the "AssignmentData.Json". So if the box for the Assignment Tool is checked, just edit the Custom Host module in the Management Console and uncheck that box. 

    At this point on, your silent installation will need the "Service Connection Point" configuration done in the DC (Domain Controller). That can be achieved manually by configuration the ADSIedit in the DC (please see instructions in the TeamViewer MSI manual), or by running the PS script that is downloaded with the MSI package and manuals. 

    Now you just need to export the registry file with the TeamViewer options you would like on the machine, as well the unattended password. To achieve that, please do the following:

    - Install a TeamViewer Host module on a test machine.
    - Go to the Options>Security and enter your "unattended access password" and click Ok.
    - Go to the Options>Advanced>Show advanced options>TeamViewer options
    - Click in Export options to a *.reg file
    - Choose the folder where you have the Host.msi file and name the file "TeamViewer_Settings" and click Save
    - A new window will open, on the 3 unchecked boxes at the bottom, select "Export user specific settings as default for all users", also select and enter the unattended access password again in "Export personal password"(the exact same password you entered under security), and click Export.

    The package is done, and can be applied on new installations as well on updates from previews versions (as long it was MSI deployments, in GPO there is an option to update package).

    Now, if your answer for the question about having the "Grant Easy Access" is YES, then you will need to use the Assignment Tool, and make sure to check the box on the Management Console when editing the Custom Host module.

    The setup for the  MSI package and the registry settings will be the same as above, but now you don't need to configure the "Service Connection Point" in the DC.

    So, depending on how you are deploying, you may need a script to run the Assignment Tool, and I will give you an example below. Some deployment software you can just point to the Assignement_Tool.exe and add parameters, like PDQ Deploy for example. 

    For the "AssignmentData.Json" to be created, the machine needs to have access to the Internet and connect to our Console servers. So if in your network the machine only access the Internet after an authenticated user sign's in, the script for the Assignment Tool should only be ran after the user sign in. 

    If you have proxy or other security in place, please make sure to white list TeamViewer.

    Another thing to look out for is registry keys from previews versions installed that has the account assignment. Those keys could cause the AssignmentData.json to not be created, if this is the case, then delete them first before making the MSI installation. 

    Here is a code for the Assignment tool, copy and paste on a .txt file, and then convert to .bat. Replace the "xxxxx" with the location where you have the Assignment tool, where it asks for it, and the token too.

    echo off

    if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)" goto 64bit

    goto 32bit

    start /wait \\XXXXX\XXXXX\XXXXX\TeamViewer_Assignment.exe -apitoken XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -datafile "C:\Program Files\TeamViewer\AssignmentData.json"

    start /wait \\XXXX\XXXX\XXXX\TeamViewer_Assignment.exe -apitoken XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -datafile "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\AssignmentData.json"
    echo exit

    I hope this help you with the deployments.


    Support Engineer



  • Phil
    Phil Posts: 1


    I've been trying the process with the documentation and I've got an issue with message

    => Assignment failed with:
    Reading datafile 'C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\AssignmentData.json' failed with: ReadFile failed with 'open C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\AssignmentData.json: Accès refusé.'

    Any idea?



  • SuperDOS
    SuperDOS Posts: 12 ✭✭

    Would alos like to know how and when AssignmentData.json file WILL be auto created and when it will NOT be auto created and if there a way we can create AssignmentData.json file AFTER installing TeamViewer host v12.

    have issues when deploying TV12 host during SCCM OSD.

  • Nfoster
    Nfoster Posts: 53 ✭✭

    I have been up and down this forum and in and out with their support only to have a $2000 paperweight. I too have been trying to find a way to deploy TeamViewer silently of course. I have two modules one for Help Desk and one fo the end users. The Help Desk module is the full version. I can wrap the teamviewer.reg and teamviewer.msi into a single deploy WinRAR SFX exe but if I wrap it one more time into an MSI it fails. I cannot deploy exe files with Intune MDM, only MSI for a line of business apps.

    Second, the end user module I have to a point now where I have two MSI that work fine, but when I wrap them into a single MSI the product never gets assigned. I have been using Advanced Installer Enterprise to embed command lines which work fine when the files are either two separate files or a single file run in full UI mode, silent commands do not work for some odd reason.

    At the end of the day, I see a lot of people posting issues, scripts (that really do not solve the issue) and just plain frustration around TeamViewer. There are a lot of short coming to this product and eventually, they will either have to solve these issues or people or going to look elsewhere.

    I have posted this concept in another post here on the forums and I will post it here. A simple solution would be to have TeamViewer work just like Active Directory. A computer can only bee accessed if they are joined to the domain and user can only access such computers that are joined to the domain. For those that are not a part of the domain, in other words, Free version of TeamViewer or another corporate TeamViewer identity, either that be computers and users, then there should a one-time guest access code or if you are an MSP then there should be a simple federation process that is controlled by the customer. From here policy should be mainly user based not computer based. A user based policy would also allow better integration with Active Directory or Azure AD with the likes of SSO. Remember the license model here with Teamviewer is user based. Install as many TemaViewer hosts as you want. So this would make logical sense to have the policies based on the users. Then the assignment process could be more simplified and we all would not be posting **bleep** workarounds and scripts. Do not get me wrong there should still be a policy for computer and a way to assign them to your TeamViewer account. This would prevent outside access and the rogue employee from spending their time helping someone else outside the company that is not on the payroll. Of curse there all should be options that you have control over. Like I said earlier you migt be an MSP.

  • Nfoster
    Nfoster Posts: 53 ✭✭

    I come to find through a conversation with TeamViewer support that the main reason for the new process in how TeamViewer is deplyed/assigned is due to how Macs handle this process.

    Why on Earth would anyone every mess up their installation rountine for the minority? I do not have anything against Apple and/or their prodcuts, but why a software company would go through the effort to completely mess this up is beyond me.

  • SuperDOS
    SuperDOS Posts: 12 ✭✭

    FYI version of Teamviewer Host 12.1.13180 works with autoassignment during OSD deployment.

  • Nfoster
    Nfoster Posts: 53 ✭✭

    Can you elaborate a little more, "works with autoassignment during OSD deployment." What is different with this build? New command line options? Where can I find the change logs?

    I always seem to have some sort of issue with deploying TeamViewer. The one hard requirement that I cannot get around currently is that fact that TeamViewer needs to see the internet to create the JSON file. That is fine as long as the end user undedrstands this and in most cases they do not. I am using the ICD tool to provision Windows 10 during OOBE where I have both TeamViewer Host and Assignment configured to install. The issue becomes if the computer that the image is being deployed on does not have access to the internet the JSON never gets created and the Assignment tool fails.

    TeamViewer's deployment process is very archaic. Too many command lines, dependencies, and depends on Active Directory. On the surface this appears to be a modern app, but under neither it is very old school and broken. I cannot even deploy the full version silently. This was confirmed with one of their support engineers. I feel they are so close to a true enterprise solution but they fail to commit. I really wish they would get their act together.

  • SuperDOS
    SuperDOS Posts: 12 ✭✭

    Not sure what has changed but can only confirm that it wasn't working with the last version and now i does. No changes on our side. we have no ad integration with TV. Yes you need internet during install/assignment.

    We install the host version MSI with /qb

    Later we run (this is in a vb script)

    WshShell.Run "tv_assignment.exe -apitoken XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX -datafile ""${ProgramFiles(x86)}\TeamViewer\AssignmentData.json"" -devicealias ""${COMPUTERNAME}"" -wait=30 -wait=30 -verbose",1,true

     here's the changelog:

  • Nfoster
    Nfoster Posts: 53 ✭✭

    Ok, so nothing has changed to resolve my issue. The changelog does not reference this build which is another issue. Build numbers do not appear to be in sync between what you advertise in About TeamViewer (Product Version) and the file version. So when you reference either one it will confuse your audience. You need to fix this.

    As I mention before your deployment process is broken. There is no AD integration when there is real no integration of any kind. I am ok with that but then there needs to be a better deployment process.

    Security is fundamentally broken by the very fact that you require two separate files, host and assignment files. This also applies with the full version where the user is prompted to “Allow and finish”. In either case if the assignment tool fails or is not run, or the user does not click “Allow and finish” then the TeamViewer install is never registered with our account, thus we now have a rogue client which leaves a huge gaping hole.

    The issue with TeamViewer really is not about the deployment of the product but how you handle policies in that you are driving policies at the program level when it really should be at the user level. I honestly do not care where TeamViewer is installed if you do not have a login (User management) then you will not get access to any of the TeamViewer hosts.


    The install should be simple single file (there should be no host or full version) that is compiled and downloaded from our account that will automatically assign when it is installed. Then a notification is sent to the any of the Company Administrators to be approved or declined and to which group it is assigned to.


    Polices and groups are assigned to the user. Policies will define what options that user will have with the TeamViewer application.

    The way that TeamViewer is designing things is backwards. You are applying polices to the computer when you are trying to control what the user can do at the computer. This make no sense at all. Computers are dumb controllable objects, users are not. Polices need to be at the user level to mitigate possible user disgruntlement. Currently your setup allows a user to do more harm.