Best method to connect multiple PCs on a private LAN

TheFatController Posts: 11
edited August 2021 in General questions

Hi there,

I have five Desktop Win 10 PCs and two Chrome Laptops around my own desk and I intend to "connect" these on my own LAN.

At any one time, I can connect up to four units to the GBit smart switch and I also hope to enable Wake on LAN. I have two spare GBit (5 & 8 port) smart switches so really, the sky's the limit.

Two devices only support WiFi so I imagine Wake on LAN can't work for them.

I've been using Microsoft's "Mouse Without Borders" to allow control of four devices from the same keyboard and mouse but that's becoming tedious as I must "rotate" between the screens which are in two tiers - one even has two monitors. It would be far more convenient to share everything with my two main monitors.

I also support an overseas family member's MacBook.

Two questions really;

Primarily - Am I in danger of being assessed as a "commercial" user?

Secondly - Is anybody convinced my scheme can't work, or needs an alternate plan? (Is that Three?)😎

Thanks in anticipation


  • Justin
    Justin Posts: 802 [Former Staff]

    Hello @TheFatController,

    There will be no problem if you only use TeamViewer for private purposes.

    In some cases, the software suspects that you are using it commercially. If so, you can submit a form to our team to confirm that you're only using the software for private purposes.

    To already give you the right link at hand, where you can request the reset for private use, I'll send it to you right away:

    Let me know if you need further help.



    German Community Moderator