libminizip1 missing

Hello community,

Has anyone managed to install TV15 on linux where libminizip1 isn't available ? I'm trying to install on linux mint 17 which doesn't have this package. I'm thinking about compiling it locally and see if that works, but I'd be interested in knowing if anyone else succeded in the installation of TV15 despite this missing requirement.


  • I installed libminizip1 from the debian package website

    Then I installed libxcb-xinerama0 from the command line (it was available).

    The installed teamviewer15 from the command line (sudo gdebi <teamviewer deb file>)

    Teamviewer15 installs fine but won't run :

    ychaouche#ychaouche-PC 14:43:48 ~/DOWNLOADS/APPS $ teamviewer


    CheckCPU: SSE2 support: yes

    Checking setup...

    Launching TeamViewer ...

    Launching TeamViewer GUI ...


    ychaouche#ychaouche-PC 14:45:18 ~/DOWNLOADS/APPS $

  • Launching directly the TeamViewer binary (/opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/TeamViewer) gave me a little more details

    ychaouche#ychaouche-PC 14:59:44 /opt/teamviewer/tv_bin $ ./TeamViewer

    qt.glx: qglx_findConfig: Failed to finding matching FBConfig for QSurfaceFormat(cilBufferSize 0, samples -1, swapBehavior QSurfaceFormat::SingleBuffer, swapInte

    qt.glx: qglx_findConfig: Failed to finding matching FBConfig for QSurfaceFormat(cilBufferSize 0, samples -1, swapBehavior QSurfaceFormat::SingleBuffer, swapInte

    Could not initialize GLX


    So apparently the problem was with GLX (OpenGL).

    Searching for this error on the web, some people reported that uninstalling the nvidia drivers and packages and installing the default xserver packages resolved the issue. I could confirm this on my end too. But then there was another requirement for libfreetype6 -I have 2.5, it requires 2.6 at least-. So I downloaded a newer version of libfreetype6 debian package without installing it, then extrated only the library (the .so). I copied the library to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/, unlink (was pointing at, then linked it back to the newly copied

    Now teamviewer15 launches.