How to mass update Hosts and Fulls to latest versions of TeamViewer without loss of our descriptions


Teamviewer Host and Full are deployed by SCCM

Install commands:

Host v14.7.1965.0: MsiExec /i "TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn CUSTOMCONFIGID=MyConfigID APITOKEN=MyAPItoken ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--grant-easy-access" DESKTOPSHORTCUTS=0 IMPORTREGFILE=1 /L*V "%SystemRoot%\Logs\sccm_TeamViewer14Host_14.7.1965.0_Install.log"

Full v15.0.8397.0: MsiExec /i "TeamViewer_Full.msi" /qn CUSTOMCONFIGID=MyConfigID APITOKEN=MyAPItoken ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--grant-easy-access" DESKTOPSHORTCUTS=0 IMPORTREGFILE=1 /L*V "%SystemRoot%\Logs\sccm_TeamViewerFull_15.0.8397.0_Install.log"

So when new computer installed it is assigned to our account by deployment an then computer description is manually updated with some details like change from "COMPUTERNAME" to "COMPUTERNAME (Surname Firstname)" and computer is manually moved from initial group named "Unknown" to some computer group for remote sites e.g. "NY" for New York ; "CAS" for Casablanca.

How to mass update Hosts and Fulls to latest versions of TeamViewer without loss of our descriptions, groups placement and granted easy access?

I could not find out MSI parameters nor combination of them which presererve all three required things: my descriptions, group placement and access granted when updating to newer version.

Could you help me by correcting next install command to update Host? ( as it is started in CMD script %~dp0 should work for TVOPT file full path requirement ):

MsiExec /i "TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn ENABLEOUTLOOKPLUGIN="false" INSTALLVPN=0 INSTALLPRINTER=0 CUSTOMCONFIGID=MyConfigID APITOKEN=MyAPItoken ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--grant-easy-access" DESKTOPSHORTCUTS=0 SETTINGSFILE="%~dp0TV15HostOpt.tvopt" /l*v "%SystemRoot%\Logs\sccm_TeamViewerHost_15.21.6.0_Install.log"
