Device "Already in Buddy List" not actually found in list!

ScottKnickelbine Posts: 1
edited November 2021 in General questions

I tried to add a computer and got the message it was "Already in Buddy List". When I went into the actual remote device I found it had already apparently been added to our account. The problem is that when I search for the device by name it is nowhere to be found. Is it possible the device has changed names since being added? And if so, can I find it by Teamviewer ID? Where do I search for that?


  • Akiho
    Akiho Posts: 1,411 Moderator
    edited October 2021

    Hi ScottKnickelbine,

    Thank you for reaching out to us on TeamViewer Community.

    Is it possible the device has changed names since being added? If YES, can you find the device by TeamViewer ID from a searching bar on Computers and Contacts?

    We may confirm that there is a support ticket has been raised successfully in TeamViewer ticket system.

    Please kindly to wait a response from customer support team.

    Your understanding and patience are greatly applicated.

    Thank you. 


    Japanese Community Moderator / コミュニティモデレーター