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tobleroneone Posts: 1
edited October 2021 in General questions

How to get info on TeamViewer usage without a persons knowledge? I noticed some time back TeamViewer in Task Manager as a process but i thought it was just another Windows process since that was how much i knew about certain things. Lately Manchester United is promoting TeamViewer and it got me thinking and here i am. Asking a question. But since these kind of answers have a potentially scripted end, yes it was active on my device and i did not do that. So please just don`t tell me it`s not possible or any of that. The question is clear. How to get info on TeamViewer usage without a persons knowledge? If anyone could give me anything, at least some more directions towards TeamViewer support who is almost unreachable but maybe phone because they don`t play like that. In advance, thank you for anything going the way i asked.


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 6,990 Community Manager 🌍
    edited October 2021

    Hello @tobleroneone,

    First of all, we are glad that you came into our Community via the Manchester United sponsorship info.

    In the path

    C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer

    you will find the file Connections_incoming.txt

    All the logs of the incoming connections will be listed there.

    License holders can also have the history of the outgoing connections via the Management Console.

    However, this is not available for the free version.

    I hope this could answer your very clearly asked question. 😊

    Community Manager