downgraded from 15 to 12, can't connect to 12

Dejv Posts: 3
edited May 2023 in General questions

Hi there,

I have a personal laptop with ver.15 installed, but i needed to connect to our office where we still use licenced ver.12. So i uninstalled 15, installed 12, logged in, tried to connect to computers with 12 installed, but could not connect to any of them with the promt "version out-of-date...". I used the same installer which was used to install on the computers i tried to connect.

Even tried to reinstall teamviewer on three computers i tried to connect, but no luck.

what is causing this behavior? i am softlocked on the 15 version on my laptop? because i know when i reinstall windows, i am able to install 12 and connect to 12 machines with no problem.

Thanks a lot



Best Answer

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,020 Community Manager 🌍
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Dejv,

    Thank you for the details 👍

    My suspicion is that your company's TeamViewer 12 license is not activated anymore (as you uninstalled, reinstalled Windows etc...).

    Therefore, I recommend activating your TeamViewer 12 license on your device just to be sure.

    With TeamViewer 12, licensing is ID-based and not account-based. This means that even if you are logged in with your corporate e-mail (TeamViewer account), if the license is not activated on your device (TeamViewer ID), then you are still running on the free version.

    This is why the ID activation is probably the solution to your problem.

    Here is how to proceed:

    1) Open TeamViewer 12

    2) go to Extras → Activate license

    3) Enter the license key which is on your TeamViewer invoice (you might have to ask your accounting department if you don't have the invoice. Or, you can also call your customer support and ask them to send it to you)

    4) Press OK.

    Now, your license is activated on your device and you should be able to connect. ✔

    Please let me know if fixed the issue. 🙏

    Community Manager


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,020 Community Manager 🌍
    edited October 2021

    Hello @Dejv,

    I think I understand the situation you are in.

    It is possible to connect with a licensed TeamViewer 15 (therefore a subscription) to older versions such as TeamViewer.

    However, if your company uses TeamViewer 12, (and therefore must use TeamViewer 12 on their devices), you can only connect to TeamViewer 12 version with a TeamViewer 12 as well. Connecting from a TeamViewer 15 version is not possible.

    But you are saying that you reinstalled TeamViewer 12 on your device. Therefore, you should be able to connect.

    My suspicion is that the remote devices of your company have older versions such as versions 8, 9 or 10 still installed. This might cause the issue. Could you check if all remote devices are on the latest version 12? The latest TeamViewer version is: 12.0.259192

    You can get it from here: Previous Versions of TeamViewer | 14 - 13 - 12 - 11

    Please let me know the results of your testings...

    Community Manager

  • Dejv
    Dejv Posts: 3

    Hello @JeanK,

    thanks for your reply, today I checked with colleague of mine, he had installed only tv12 on his laptop, never did downgrade/upgrade like me, logged with company credentials and connected to the same machines as I tried with no problem.

    i did install fresh win10 on another 2laptops, to test this, fresh installation of 12 from above mentioned link.

    *on laptop#1 i duplicated my problem by installing tv15 => uninstalled 15 /w deleting user settings ticked, deleting user %appdata% and deleting all registry entries i could find (HKLM/software/teamviewer registry key says that version is 15.22.03)=> restarted => installed tv12 => logged in with company credentials => restarted (for good measure) => tried to connect but no luck (registry key was 12.0.259192, UpdateVersion key was 15.22.03) in-app settings version was 12.0.259192.

    - Could not connect via ID and password or from the list of added computers with remote access. does not work on normal installation or QS on the computers i try to log in.

    *Laptop#2 fresh install of tv12 => logged in with company credentials => connects to computer with no issue. registry keys were same as above after downgrade (Version key 12.0.259192, UpdateVersion key 15.22.03). no problem on full install or QS, both works fine.

    I am sure there were no other versions installed on the machines i try to log in, as they're about a month old. Registry keys are same as above; version key is 12.0.259192, UpdateVersion key is15.22.03 on all three PCs.

    My conclusion is that I am locked on version 15 and can't do anything about it, unless I reinstall Windows.

    I hope my response is understandable and I covered all your questions.

    Thank you for your time



  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,020 Community Manager 🌍
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Dejv,

    Thank you for the details 👍

    My suspicion is that your company's TeamViewer 12 license is not activated anymore (as you uninstalled, reinstalled Windows etc...).

    Therefore, I recommend activating your TeamViewer 12 license on your device just to be sure.

    With TeamViewer 12, licensing is ID-based and not account-based. This means that even if you are logged in with your corporate e-mail (TeamViewer account), if the license is not activated on your device (TeamViewer ID), then you are still running on the free version.

    This is why the ID activation is probably the solution to your problem.

    Here is how to proceed:

    1) Open TeamViewer 12

    2) go to Extras → Activate license

    3) Enter the license key which is on your TeamViewer invoice (you might have to ask your accounting department if you don't have the invoice. Or, you can also call your customer support and ask them to send it to you)

    4) Press OK.

    Now, your license is activated on your device and you should be able to connect. ✔

    Please let me know if fixed the issue. 🙏

    Community Manager

  • Dejv
    Dejv Posts: 3

    Hi @JeanK,

    thank you very much! this solution is working fine. You were right, I did not checked if i'm free or business even if it shines at me right in the app windows (facepalm). At first I couldn't insert licence, but after logging into web management, I was able to delete old devices with assigned licences.

    once again, thank you, you saved me day reainstalling my laptop :D

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,020 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @Dejv,

    I am super glad I saved your day 😊

    Almost feeling like a super-hero now...🤖⚡️

    Hope to see you soon in the Community!

    Community Manager